Werewolves of London

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The whole pack was on edge. With Melissa, Mason and Lydia in critical condition in the hospital, Scott, Diana and Malia hadn't had a moment of sleep since the night before when Scott's house had been shot down. The three of them were fine by now, still very much hurt, but stable enough to allow the three kids a moment to breathe, but, of course, they were all still scared and angry and anxious. So it really came as no surprise when, as soon as sheriff Stilinski started to make his way toward them, the three kids jumped up from their seats to rush over to him.

"Where's my dad?" Scott asked.

"Transferred to San Francisco Memorial." The man said, his voice steady, but soft at the same time. "He's gonna be fine."

"Okay." Malia nodded. "And what about Mason?"

"Already out of surgery."

"Lydia?" Diana asked.

"She's all right, too." The sheriff said, as Diana breathed out in relief. "The bullet missed everything that matters, thank god. Guys, we got lucky."

"They almost died." Scott mumbled, almost in a trance as Malia and Diana turned around to look at him, worriedly.

"But they're gonna live. We're gonna have two deputies posted here around the clock. Nobody sets foot on this floor without my authorization." The sheriff assured, frowning quietly when he realized Scott barely reacted to his words. "Scott, I got a pretty good idea how you're feeling right now. But the whole sheriff's department is gonna be on this. I am gonna find out who did this."

"We know who did this." Scott said, as Malia frowned.

"Monroe?" She asked.

"Not Monroe." Diana shook her head, clicking her tongue, uncomfortably as she looked down at her feet. "She doesn't know where Scott lives. Charles does, though."

"You think your dad did it?" Malia asked, as Diana scrunched up her nose.

"If he didn't do it, he gave the order." She practically spat the words as Scott sighed, placing a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder, unable to even begin to comprehend how she must have been feeling, having her dad fighting a war against her and her friends. "And I want to figure that out."

"What do you mean?" Scott frowned, as Diana lifted her eyes to meet her alpha's.

"I want to talk to him again." She said. "Not for a deal this time. I want to interrogate him. I want to know what he knows and I want to figure out what he's planning."

"Okay." Scott nodded, after a moment of consideration. "Since you're planning on interrogating him, want to take the sheriff with you?"

At that, Diana shrugged, turning to look at the man in front of her as he nodded, letting her know he'd be there if she wanted him to. So, with a smile in his direction and a nod of his own, they reached an agreement.

"Sounds like a plan." She smirked.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Malia asked, as Scott turned to look at her, determined.

"No more peace summits." He decided as both Malia and Diana smiled proudly at him. "No more running. No more half-measures."

"What's the plan?" Diana asked.

"We fight back." Scott said, as Malia nodded.

"I'm good with that plan." She said.

"And Gerard? Monroe? Charles? The hunters? We take them all on." Scott said, looking over at Diana as if to make sure she was okay with it and, even though he could see she was conflicted, she smiled at him.

Unspoken - Book 6 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now