Chapter Thirty-Four - The Never Ending Growing Pile of Dresses

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Chapter Thirty-Four - The Never Ending Growing Pile of Dresses

Standing in the dressing room I jumped around in a dress that I was about to fall and topple in just because I couldn't zip the stupid zipper. Letting out a big ghastly sigh I reached down my back one last time fumbling with the tips of my finger with the edge of the zipper. I got to move it a smidge higher up when I heard a really long bratty whine coming from behind the door.

"You've been in there forever Brooke. Come on you promises me frozen yogurt!" Parker said knocking on the door.

"One more minute Parkie." I sighed trying out a new position to pull up the zipper. AH HA! Success!

I opened the door heading out to the halls of the dressing room where a pedestal and a 180 degree mirror was at the end. I was in a long, champagne, one shoulder dress with beautiful diamond beading and a nice fitted bodice. It wasn't a stand out color but I had really liked the shine of it.

"What do you think Parker?" I asked turning around in the mirror.

"You look like a princess." He giggled sitting in the chair next to the mirror and across from my dressing room.

"Well thank you." I smiled turning around over and over again. It's a really pretty dress don't get me wrong but I wasn't so psyched over it. It was an okay looking dress. I sighed picking up the dress and walking back to the room, "It's not the one though."

"So you're going to try on another one?" Parker asked moving around in his seat.

"Yep." I answered popping the 'p' closing the door behind me. I unzipped the dress, struggling once again. I changed into my second dress.

It was a white skirt with a slit, that came all the way up to my stomach and then it changed into a shiny silver material that hugged my hips in an x mark with cuts on the side exposing my hips. There were bronze colored studs in square and circle shapes. My whole back was basically revealed and in the front it shaped into a mid-deep V-neck.

I'm sure if I bought this dress my mom would tell me to return it. She would think it's very revealing and too sexy for a school dance. But truthfully this style, the amount of exposure, it was the in style now. The dressed reminded me that it should be in a movie with a younger version of Angelina Jolie. Or a James Bond movie!

When I walked out again I stood on the pedestal liking this one better than the first. "Brooke, I think that dress has a hole in it." Parker mentioned poking at my exposed curves.

I laughed putting my hands over my mouth shaking my head at him. "No Parker that's how the dress is designed."

"That's stupid." He said shaking his head. It surely won't be stupid to him in a few more years that's for sure.

"Well this is one I can consider....." I said drifting off in my words as I looked over the dress again. I turned back to the dressing room trying on a different one.

It was simpler than the one before. And thank the Lord this one had a zipper on the side! That's a plus already! It was green just like my eyes, a few folds on sweetheart shaped bodice, falling to the floor in its thin light fabric with a slit down to expose my left leg. On the side of my hip there was a diamond broche picking up some of the fabric to have a fold look. It was much simpler and I liked it because it really brought out my green eyes and tanned skin.

When I walked out like every other time I stood on the pedestal looking in the mirror. "Brooke, I think that one is ruined too. Look it has a rip on the front." Parker said pointing out to the slit in the front.

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