Chapter 15- Silence is Deadly

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Chapter 15- Silence is Deadly









“Arm yourselves!”

“You are mine peasant!”

“Your pillow is no match for mine!”

“Are you seriously having a pillow fight?”

I walk in to find Brody laying on the kitchen floor, shielding himself with a pillow as Kyle towered over him with another pillow in his hands. Drew stop mid hit, behind Kyle until I walked in. When he saw it was just me he continued to swing his pillow at Kyle, rather roughly if I may add.

“Extreme pillow fight to be correct.” Brody answers and laughs at Kyle’s take down.

At the sound of that Kol comes sliding in the kitchen with socks on his feet, huge goofy smile on his face, and a navy blue pillow he probably sleeps with, “Did I just hear extreme pillow fight?” He ask with a devious smile on his face.

“Is it true?!” I hear Brandon scream from upstairs. His loud footsteps stomp from the second floor as she runs down the hall above me.

“You are grown teenage boys. Are you seriously having a pillow fight like you’re some thirteen year old girls at a sleepover?” I question them stunned. Brody grabs Kyle’s ankle and has him tumbling down on the floor next to him. He rolls from his laying on his back to on his knees, suffocating Kyle with a pillow.

Okay, whatever I said before about the guys not wanting to kill each other anymore and they’re buddies and coolly bonding, yeah I take that back. They’re killing each other with smiles on their face. I run my hands through my hair as I witness this absurdity. Is this honestly happening?

“Not to poop on your party or anything, but what did you guys break? I heard something shatter.” Nathan points out from behind me.

Yeah! I’d like to know that too! We had too many things around that house that could break and have our parents strangling us if they break. Precious items that they valued.

“Just the popcorn bowl.” Kyle shrugged once he was able to roll Brody off him while simultaneously smacking Brody with his pillow.

I look around for the popcorn bowl and notice that plastic snack dish we use for popcorn on the floor, spilling cornels everywhere. I tip my head back in annoyance. “Plastic doesn’t sound like glass shattering.” I informed looking around.

“Hey someone broke the picture frame that was hanging on the wall.” Brandon shouted while stampeding down the stairs. “I almost cut my foot open!” He roars sliding in the kitchen while aiming his pillow at Kol standing by.

“Drew did it!”

“Brody did it!”

“Kyle did it!”

They all instantaneously blamed each other with pointing fingers. I look at them shocking with a gapping mouth, “You better pray for your lives and hope it’s not that family portrait one mom paid someone to take of all of us at the beach.” I warn shaking my head. Heads are going to roll if she notices!

Drew rolled his eyes after hitting both Kol and Brandon across the face with his pillow for no reason, “You know how many times we’ve broke and replaced that frame? Mom hasn’t noticed.” Drew comments certainty.

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