Chapter Thirty-Five - Three O'Conners Down Two to Go

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Chapter Thirty-Five – Three O’Conners Down Two to Go

It was Tuesday, the week of Nathan’s school dance and that meant I had only two days to prepare. We were leaving late Thursday night to catch the nineteen hour train ride; so that meant I didn’t have any time on Friday to get ready besides the hour and a half we’d be at his house to change. If we missed this train well… we’re doomed.

I eventually did buy the other golden dress like I had panned. I didn’t tell Madi –or the other girls- anything about it but I knew she’d find out when I showed up wearing something different then she suspected. I already had a pair of silver heels to go with the purple dress I bought for Nathan’s dance; the only thing I had left was to find a pair for the gold dress which wasn’t going to be fun.

I was walking around in school going from class to class. Around 6th period (second to last) I was at my locker killing time since my class was just across the hall. I took out my phone and looked through it checking for emails, texts, games and everything else to occupy my time. I even looked through my notes when I remember that I should get Kol, Brandon, Parker and their dad together; maybe meet each other over Fro-Yo like I promised Parkie.

I scrolled over my contacts for Mr. O’Conner’s number to text him. Even though I was busy I guess I could sacrifice my hour to get them all together. And maybe because I had a little sudden urge of something cold and sweet.

Are you busy later on today? Maybe you boys would like to get together over some Fro-Yo. I’ll be gone this weekend so I thought I’d do it now. - Brook

I shut my locker and walked over to my class, Chemistry, where things just mysteriously blow up during every lab. Because it isn’t just the group of boys in the back that take the acetic acid and hydrochloric acid from the cabinets to goof off and startle the class. No Mr. Nickels, it can’t be them, they’re so innocent. Note my sarcasm. That man has the same amount of brain cells as the amount of hair on his head; none.

As Mr. Nickels was giving off instructions about the new lab we were starting today I was occupying myself by throwing little paper balls on the back of my friend Aaron’s head; who would turn around and scowl at me every time the teacher would turn around to write something on the board. I’d just sit there and laugh or pretend I didn’t do anything.

During the middle of the lesson my phone vibrated in my blazer pocket, Mr. O’Conner’s contact ID showing on my screen that he replied back.

Works for me love. Pick a place and a time. I’ll meet you there. Thank you again.

I licked my lips thinking about it for a moment. Which place do I want to go to? They all taste the exact same to be honest but some places had better toppings and a cuter set up.

Tootie Fruitie at 5?

I replied sliding my phone under my binder. Mr. Nickels was just passing out our lab objectives and passing my table when my phone vibrated on the hard table top. I kept my head down looking out the corner of my eye to see if he heard or noticed. Surprisingly he didn’t which was a great relief too me. When he finished passing out papers and was on the other side of the room behind his desk I took out my phone slowly looking for the reply.

Meet you there.

I grinned putting my phone in my bag as I paid attention for the rest of the class. And of course threw more paper balls down Aaron’s shirt.


I slammed the front door shut as I was the last one in the house. The boys obnoxiously ran in the house like a stampede of elephants spreading out wildfire to their rooms, TVs, back yard, and of course the kitchen. I sighed as I went to my room straight away and to take off my uniform. I found that my room was much cleaner and organized then I had left this morning. My bed was now made, the close on my closet floor was gone, and my room smelt like cleaning products.

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