Chapter Thirty-Seven- Young Couple These Days

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Chapter Thirty Seven- Young Couples These Days

*9 and a half hours till the Present*

"I know aren't young couples so cute." I heard some lady's raspy voice say not too far away. Someone's deep voice 'Mhm' her agreeing. With a sigh she began, "I wish Albert would have done something like that for me. He didn't have a romantic bone in his body that man, but let his soul rest in peace, he still was a great man."

"Such little affection goes along way. It is a very cute sight." The deeper voice agreed, "I should head back to my seat, have a good morning and ride, Miss. Doris."

"You too, Leo. Nice talking to you." The lady replied. I was now starting to vaguely become aware that I was awake. My eyes weren't ready to open yet, and my body was just too comfortable where I laid.

A few minutes later my eyes peeked through my narrow eye lids. I noticed the familiar gray fabric thinking I groaned mentally, no wonder my body was shaking slightly from side to side. I was on the freaking train; I thought that was just a horrible nightmare. Dammit. I rolled over with my eyes closed and sighed. A strong sent hit my nostrils which made me squint with my eyes shut. I opened them back up and saw a bleached white shirt. Ugh, that's right; I slept on Nathan's lap.

I tilted my head up and saw Nathan still snoozing off with his head back on the pillow. I sighed again rolling over so I face up looking at the ceiling. I looked down and realized Nathan's right arm was draped over my lower torso. I saw my phone from the corner of my eye and reached over to it trying not to wake up Nathan in this whole process of moving. It was 9:22, great we still have a little more than seven hours left on this train. Just thinking about that made me go crazy; I don't think I could take that much longer on this forsaken train.

A man and a women attendant came around with their little drink cart offering bottle water and other breakfast juices. When they came to my isle I looked upside down at them sheepishly. They smiled down at me kindly handing a water bottle to me, "Good morning. Would you like anything else to drink for now?" The lady asked also handing me a napkin.

"A cup of orange juice please." I asked waiting for the man to pour me the cup. After he handed it to me they said that breakfast would be served soon, and then they left for the next row.

I sat up slightly taking a sip of my juice then placed it on the floor close to my hand. I checked my texts, emails, Twitter and Facebook while waiting for Nathan to wake up. My stomach rumbled from the smell of some food nearby. It smelled like cinnamon which made my mouth water thinking it could be cinnamon buns. Mmm, now I'm craving cinnamon buns!

I heard the people a few rows down from us moaning over their food. I lifted my head off Nathan's lap and shook his shoulder slightly. He groaned and I felt his right hand grip the curve of my waist, "Nathan." I whispered shaking his shoulder again, "Nathan wake up. Breakfast is here." I told him.

A small sigh escaped his lips with a light nod, "Okay." He barely said in a whisper. I rest my head on his lap for a few more seconds looking at the rest my Twitter news feed. When the food cart came I stood up in my seat for the first time that morning and pulled out the table placing my empty cup of orange juice there.

Nathan sat up a bit rubbing his eyes and yawning. Even though he was probably siting and sleeping in one place all night his hair still managed to look disgruntled, "How much longer do we have on this train?" He whined running the sleep out of his eyes still.

I looked at my phone and sighed doing the math correctly in my head, "About seven hours. It's ten o'clock now." I told him watching the lady with her food cart in the row in front of us. My stomach growled again thinking about food and smelling it so nearby.

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