Chapter 24- O'Conner Party Surprises

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Chapter 24- O'Conner Party Surprises


Shouted the chorus of family members and friends from my backyard. Parker, being a poor startled little boy, jumped at the loud voices, about to run away, before recognizing some of the faces up front. His little eight year old face had a smile the size of a banana stretched across.

Blue, green, red, and white balloons were hanging from trees, plants, tables and chairs. Streamers were tangled in some of the branches, that I'm sure the boys had fun putting up. Tables and chairs were lined up under the big white tent to the right of the yard. The pool being more toward the left-ish middle of the yard, had the slide nearby to land in the pool, and the bouncy house a yard away. Smoke and the smell of BBQ was coming from the deck grill, where my dad and a man- that I was guessing would be their uncle Jack- was standing by. The place was crowed with stuff and people.

Parker ran up to Brody hiding because he was shy and so happy. The crowded laughed a bit, sending him little happy birthday praises, hugs, and kisses. I walked behind him, giving him a small hug.

"Happy birthday, Parkie. Love you!" I say kissing his cheek.

"Ew, cooties!" One of Parker's little friend whined, pointing to us. I laughed releasing Parker to go have some fun. I greeted some people at the party, some family members and friends my mother had invited- or technically I had invited. I made my way slowly to the food table munching on chips and fruits. Little by little I was making my way around the yard, stopping at various tables to eat something. I was probably hungrier than Parker was and by the looks of it, he seems to have forgotten that he was starving because he was jumping around in the bounce house with his friends.

"Hey daddy." I greet, watching him flip some steaks and burgers.

"Hey Brooklyn. Brooklyn I'd like you to meet Jack, Jack this my daughter Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Jack is the boy's uncle." My father greets extensively.

"Nice to meet you Jack." I welcome with a smile, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." He replies, "I've heard you had a big part in making this party happen."

I felt a blush rise even in the California heat, "Yeah some part bu-"

"I just wanted to say thank you. For everything really. I know it means a lot to Parker and I know it really means a lot to Krista." Jack says warmly.

"It's no problem really. I'm glad I could help out." I assured with a polite smile. A heavy arm fell around my shoulder squeezing me to their side.

"Hey Uncle Jack, I hope Brook here isn't boring you wi-"

"Nathan my wise mouth nephew." Jack chuckles, shaking his head, and clapping him on the shoulder as he stands by him.

"I think all your nephews are wise mouths." I correct with a little smirk.

Uncle Jack let out a bellow laugh, patting Nathan on the back, then giving him a nookie on the head. "Uncle Jack." Nathan whined fixing his hair, "I'm not a little kid anymore." He mutters under his breath and walking away.

His uncle laughs nodding his head to me with a funny look in his eye, "Watch out for that one, got it?"

I narrow my eyes at him quizzically, "Understood?"

"Forgot my burger." Nathan grimaces holding his plate out to my dad. Dad placse a cheeseburger on his bun, a devouring pair of eyes coming from both of us.

"Thank you Nathan your so kind!" I beam stealing the plate from him at ease.

"Hey! That was mine, not yours." He shouts, crossing his arms, yet not even fighting for his burger back.

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