Chapter Thirty-Eight- Stormy Dance Night

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Chapter Thirty-Eight – Stormy Dance Night

*1 Hour and 38 minutes till Present*

It was pretty much what I expected. A crowded high school gym, decorated for the themed event, teachers in every corner, and very loud music. There were already student on the dance floor or at their tables talking with their friends. The theme was very simple; it was black, white, silver and sparkles. Drapes of black and white were hung from the ceiling along with silver sparkly stars, white and black table clothes and silver sparkly center pieces.

When we walked in Nathan placed his hand on my back steering me to a table. We commented how nice the place looked until we were interrupted by a herd. I, assuming, these were Nathan friends with the happy looks on their faces and them screaming NATE! NATE! NATE!

I stood a bit to the side to allow Nathan to see his friends for the first time in months. He looked just as happy to see them as they were. They gave each other those man hugs and slaps on the back telling how they been and all that. Two girls stood from the table and gave Nathan a small hug and smile. 

Nathan turned around grabbing my arm and smiled, “Guys this is Brook, Brook these are the people I call friends.” Nathan joked making everyone laugh.

I smiled waving my hand to everyone, “It’s nice to meet you all.” I said politely.

“That’s Brain and I’m not even surprised- nor was I told- that his date is Emma,” Nathan introduced to a boy and a girl. Brian had dirty blond hair that was spiked up in the front with gel; he was rather on the tall side because my head was tilting a bit up to greet him with a smile, while wearing a white suit and a yellow tie.

His beautiful date Emma was rather stunning actually, she wore a dress that I could never pull off. Not that it was revealing, it was because it had a crazy pattern going on. It was yellow, I think, and blue and purple and orange and green with some white. It had a daring, low cut, sweetheart neckline and beaded shimmery waist line, with wavy pleaded ruffles on the bottom. Her hair was pin straight, strawberry blond, with straight bangs covering her forehead, with a daisy hippie headband. I felt plain and boring standing next to her.

After greeting them with another small hello Nathan pointed to two other people, “And that’s Brent and Mia.” Nathan said with no enthusiasm or interest.

“Oh yeah, just Brent and Mia, not like I’ve been your best friend since I don’t know middle school?!” Brent joked, shoving Nathan playfully as I looked at Mia’s dress.

Mia was just as tall as me in heels. She had dark hair, almost black, in big wavy curls. Her dress and fashion taste was completely different from Emma’s. Her dress was a short nude color that flattered her figure with beading and rhinestones bodice. The skirt was layered with many sheer layers that dropped down to a bit above her knee.

I both complimented them on their dresses as Nathan led me to the table where his friend were sitting. I sat in between Nathan, who was on my left and Emma on my right. Emma smiled at me complimenting me on my dress which was nothing compared to the compliment I was egging her with.

“So Brook, how have you been treating my best man over here? I’ve heard it’s quite the… adventure.” Brent chuckled.

I gave Nathan my best oh-really-what-the-hell-have-you-been-saying look, “Oh really?” I murmured, “This is going to be one hell of a fight with all the stories I got.”

“What do you mean stories?” Nathan defended looking at me puzzledly.

“Do you want me to tell them how you got your first detention, or how you fell at the grocery store and knocked down that soup shelf, or that Matc-”

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