Chapter Forty-Six-You And Me

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Chapter Forty-Six-You And Me

"You'll have to face him. That's one of the steps to change." I reminded him again making sure he got that clearly.

He sighed heavily again, "I know. I know." He repeated just the same as ever. I moved my head on his shoulder still tracing my finger in S and figure eights on his blue cotton shirt, "Will you be there with me?"

"Do you want me to?" I asked closing my eyes for a brief moment. Please say yes, please say yes.

"Of course!" He exclaimed as if it were a no brainier. I sighed with a smile on my lips opening my eyes again. Good.

"We can go where ever you like. We can leave whenever, but try to stay there for as long as possible, without fighting." I told him picking up a piece of loose thread on his shirt.

"I guess." He mumbled rubbing his thumb counter clock wise on my shoulder now. I struggled to keep my eyes open, even though we did nothing today but stand I still felt exhausted.

"You know he really misses you. Sometimes when I'd be out with Parker he'll ask about you. I think even after all he did he still feels bad for it, but I think he's guiltier for how he treated you guys. I think all he wants is a second chance, and everybody has a right to a second chance." I said. And sometimes you give people too many chances and they blow it all.

“Yeah, I know.” He sighed resting his cheek on my head, “I’m still not too happy about it but I know I have to push myself and step out of my comfort zone.”

“It’s not as bad as you think you know. Sure you might be tensed up questioning but you just got to let loose.” I told him casually, “Would you rather be one on one with your dad or a day with Parker and the guys?”

He took a moment to think about it, “We should bring Parker; maybe it’ll restrain me from violence and unkind words.” He chuckled darkly. I rolled my eyes cracking a smile; it wasn’t a bad idea at the least, "Hey your seventeenth birthday is coming up, right?" He asked out of the blue.

I scoffed but struck with a little surprise, "Not until the end of July, Nate." I laughed looking at him for a moment before turning my head back to his wall.

"We're almost there." He defended himself with a soft chuckle, "We're mid- May." I rolled my eyes and shook my head gently on his chest. I didn't even know he knew my birthday, I didn't know his, "Plan on me being there." I heard him whisper as I smiled.

We never talked about when he would leave or when he'd have to go back home or if he was going to finish school here or start school here again. I guess we always talked about the now; the present. Not that I minded much, I don't think I'm ready to talk about when and what ifs or what's going to happen. Because honestly right now I didn't know what was really happening with Nate and I. We couldn't even stay together for three days last time. What about this time? How long will it last? If it does last what's going to happen when Nathan has to leave? Question beyond the unknown. Questions that I didn't want to think about right now.

"When's your birthday?" I asked changing my shape patterns on his shirt; now drawing little spirls.

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