Chapter Forty-Three- Change In Direction

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Chapter Forty-Three- Change In Direction

~~~~~Dedication to @dudagal for the first person’s correct guess of the tragic loss~~~~~


“Mom is there something wrong?” I asked walking up to her; noticing her mascara and eye liner running down her eyes in smudges, “Gee, who died, Ma?” I asked but not literally, I meant it to be figuratively. When I saw the tears build up in the same jade colored eyes that matched mine I knew someone had actually died, “Who died mom?”



You know something is terribly wrong when you see an adult cry, never mind when you see your own parents cry. Now I’m not saying my mom was on the floor bawling her eyes off but her tears said it all. Her pink chapped lips trembled, streaks of tears streamed down her eyes leaving her cheeks black from her makeup, her arms were tightly crossed over her chest as she sniffed her nose from time to time. Just seeing my mom cry made me tear up a bit. What could be so terribly wrong that was making my mom cry like this?

Oh that’s right, someone died.

She wiped her tears with the back of her sleeve and straightened up a bit. She didn’t even look at me as she walked off grabbing her laptop out of her bag, “Brooklyn I’m going to need you to grab a suitcase from the garage and start to pack for a few days.” She was clicking away on her laptop and constantly wiping her nose on her sleeve.

“Where are we going? When? How long? You still haven’t told me what’s wrong.” I said frantically wondering why I was being rushed.

“I’ll tell you later, Brooklyn, can you, please.” She asked sighing, “Everything is going to be alright.” She promised looking at me with teary green eyes.

I inhaled and exhaled a deep breath, with a small nod I grabbed my bag of popcorn from the microwave and headed for the stairs. The suitcase I had brought to Washington was still in my closet waiting to be unpacked because I was just too lazy and it’s barely even been twenty four hours since we’ve been back. I munched on some popcorn and starred at my suitcase on the floor. Where are we even going?

I sighed and sat on the floor with my popcorn and phone texting my friends in a group chat. Maddi was going on and on about Spring Fling this Friday and Emily was gushing over the fact that James Patrick had said yes about being her date to the dance. Cam on the other had been just talking about how Ms. Burns almost gave her a detention today if Mr. Philips wasn’t there to save her sorry ass.

Maddi: GUYS! We have to all get together so we can do hair and makeup!

Emily: Ooo! Ooo! We should all got out together and get our nails done!

Me: Does anyone have a curling iron mine broke :’(

Maddi: You can borrow mine B!

Me: Thaaaaaaaaanks! :D <3

Cam: Maddi do you have more of those Dr. Scholls inserts?

Maddi: No but I can take some from Kenzi MWAHAHA! >:}

Cam: lmao tell Kenzi I said thanks :P

Emily: Since my dress is baby blue with that silver part should I stay away from those colors and go for a new color or stay the same?

Cam: OH! I have this white nail polish with a blue or silver crackle bottle you can use it’s look really nice

Madi: ^^ She’s right that’d look good. Or do jet black! With like a silver design or blue

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