Chapter 8- Not So Perfect

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Chapter 8- Not So Perfet

I didn't talk to Nathan after our awkward and unknowable incident in the kitchen on Saturday morning. I didn't bother to talk to him all weekend unless it was absolutely necessary. I avoided him on mornings, lunches, TV time, dinner, in the hallways, etc. And every time that I thought he wouldn't be there, he was there. I didn't ever want to talk about that moment between us. And I hoped so badly that he would never bring it up and never bring it up in front of anyone, ever.

I woke up on Monday morning and quickly got dressed not even trying to switch up the uniform. Okay that's a lie, I purposely didn't put on my stockings. Hopefully I'll get away with it today. Doubt it. I only went from my room to my bathroom and then down the hall to help Parker who was calling my name.

Walking quickly into his room I shut the door behind me, my eyes searched his small room for any signed of him. Parker's room was a mess with all his toys scattered around, some of his clothes were in piles in the corner, and his bed unmade.

"Parker you should keep your room clean." I said in a humble tone picking up some of his clothes to throw in the hamper.

"Sorry. Can you help me with my buttons?" He pouted cutely flaunting his buttons around.

"You know you're just so cute!" I squealed pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah I know I'm cute." A smirking Nathan said rolling his eyes as he came behind me quietly.

"I was talking to Parker." I muttered, kneeling down to Parker's height to button up his shirt. This was the first time since Saturday at dinner when I asked him to pass the salad. Ever since then we haven't talked at all. Besides him also slapping my ass in the hallway when we were alone.

I still haven't forgave him for that.

I buttoned up Parker's shirt quickly stumbling over my fingers. I fixed his cuffs and tucked his shirt in before I got up to look for his tie. I thoughts his tie was so cute and how instead it clipped it zipped up! I was so entertained by that.

"You know I was coming here to do that. You don't have to keep going." Nathan mentioned picking up Parker's shoes near the door.

"S'Okay. I got this." I stopped him with a hand putting on his tie.

"Yeah! Cause your too slow." Parker exaggerated sticking out his tongue to Nathan.

I smiled with a light giggle kissing his cheek. "Thank you Parker."

"Hey! Don't encourage the kid." Nathan ordered with a stunned look as I got up to look for his jacket.

"I'm not. I'm teaching him how to get ready fast and stick up to his older brothers." I said with a nodded of my head as I found his jacket in the middle of a pile of toys.

"Parker when you get home you should clean your room." Nathan told him with a stern look as he went to grab Parker's little black shoes.

I nodded my head with a light smile, "He's right Parker. When you get home you clean your room first, then you play video games."

"He doesn't play video games." Nathan said certain as he grabbed Parker and sat him on the bed to put his shoes on.

"Oh, he doesn't?" I smirked standing behind Nathan to wink at Parker. Parker gave me a huge smile, hiding it behind his hand.

"Nope." Nathan grunted pushing a shoe on Parker's foot.

"Okay then. Meet you guys down stairs." I said walking out of the room. That's wasn't awkward at all. I thought to myself sarcastically. Well it could have been worse, I don't know how but it could have been.

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