Chapter Thirty-Nine- Hazy Emotions

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  • Dedicated to Every Incredible Fan

Before you all read the chapter we’d like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all of you that comment on our story. Every time we upload and we see your comments we’re always blown away by the amazing things you all have to say. So thank you very very much :) This chapter dedication goes out to ALL of you lovely readers xoxo

Now… lets continue ;)

Chapter Thirty-Nine- Hazy Emotions

*Present Day*


I was speed walking across the lawn of the school laughing as I was being chased by Nathan. Okay this is much more fun than dancing in the gym of a high school. I’m so going to sprain an ankle if I keep running like this. But then again I’m sure he’s going to catch up, I can hear him catching up.

I let out a loud shriek when his tight grip wrapped around my waist. I kicked off my heels and started laughing.  He kept spinning me around and around, the fabric in of my dress flying around. I haven’t had this much fun in so long. It turned out to be a great night.

Meeting his friends, bumping into his trashy ex-girlfriend, knowing some of the teachers that “had it out” for Nathan, or even thinking that Johnny was kind of hot, I guess it did turn out to be an interesting good night; and a good excuse to dress up and stay out late. Overall, a really good night.

“Nathan put me down!” I laughed trying to pry his fingers one by one.

“No I still need a date for the rest of the night! Or else people are going to think I’m a loser!” He informed me squeezing me closer.

“You are a loser.” I laughed telling it to him straight.

“Then you’re accompanying a loser to his own school dance. That makes you a loser too.” He replied talking very closely to my ear. I giggled throwing my head back hitting his shoulder.

“Oh stupid me. Why did I ever agree?” I played rhetorically laughing as I looked around campus. “Where are we?” I asked.

Nathan’s head looked up for a moment and back at me, “The back of the school.” He replied resting his chin on my head.

I looked up at the dark sky thinking for a moment. Outside was so peaceful and quiet, relaxing and beautiful, inside was like the anti-outside. The dark midnight sky was filled with tiny stars just like the inside of the school gym. A soft breeze passed and I sighed. It’s so relaxing here; this little small part of the city that almost made it like a peaceful town they grew up in, it’s different from a social city that I grew up in. Two different worlds.

I liked being here even if it’s only been a sort amount of time. Maybe it was because I was nicely relaxed in Nathan’s arms, or because it’s a beautiful fun night, it could be anything really. But anyhow I liked it, I could let my mind drift off and think about anything.

Nathan seemed to sigh behind me, almost as a quiet plead of boredom. I didn’t care I stood there thinking about anything that passed through my mind, when Nathan sighed again I let him into my thoughts saying them out loud, it was the first thing that was passing through my mind at the time, “Why do you think bad things happen to good people?”

“Why you thinking about that?” He asked his chest vibrating as he spoke.

“I don’t know.” I mumbled realizing that was stupid of me to say out loud, “I was just thinking about some people. How they’re such great people and have good intentions and kind hearts. And then somewhere in life they get knocked down; when they least expect it.” I muttered not using a brain to process my thoughts anymore. Where was I going with this?

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