Chapter 7- When Morning Hits

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Chapter 7- When Morning Hits

Waking up bright 'n early is not something I'd like to say. Especially on Saturday mornings. But like I said, I woke up bright 'n early from our human alarm clock Parker. He slowly started poking me whispering my name, honestly I knew it was him and I was desperately trying to ignore him. But when the shouting and whining came that's when I decided to "wake up".

"What Parker?" I whined into my pillow trying not to stare into the bright sun light.

"I'm hungry." He complained sitting on my bed.

I mentally rolled my eyes, crying on the inside like a loser. Here I am awake on a very early morning, a night after a sleepover, and Parker is waking me up because he wants something to eat. Weren't my parents down there or something? Rose?

I knew the boys weren't going to be back for a while, hopefully. But I didn't want the one to be catering Parker this early in the morning. Maybe I didn't think everything through; clearly.

"Can you just wait ten minutes? I'm still trying to... wake up." I murmured looking around my room for the girls.

Maddi was at the other end of my bed, Camila was sleeping to my left, and Emily was buried right in the middle of the bed. And let me add that this was no queen size or king size bed, it was a full bed, and somehow we all seemed to squeeze together and still have a little wiggle room.

Usually if the sleep over is at my house the girls all take a room they want and sleep there. But I had told them that my mom was remodeling so there was no furniture and the rooms were a mess. That one I thought right on the spot and I thought they would notice me lying, but again they believed me. At any other house we would occupy the whole living room, basement, or someone's' room with sleeping bags and air mattresses. Last night we had all started talking on my bed, and one by one all fell asleep.

"Brook, what's going on it's only seven in the morning, what the fu- Oh Parker. Hey handsome." Emily mumbled, rubbing her eyes, as she stopped her mouth seeing Parker in the room.

"Parker wants breakfast. I think I'm going to go down stairs." I muttered throwing my duvet off me and crawling out of bed.I heard Cam grumbled and stir from her spot as I threw my covers on her, probably disturbing her.

"Where's grrf... pretty dress... Gmmm." Maddi mumbled ineligibly in her sleep.

Everyone knew Maddi was a sleep talker, and sometimes a sleep walker. But that was on rare occasions. And sometimes what came out of her mouth made no sense. Like one time when she "asked' about mayo in her cereal. I think she must have been dreaming of food.

"Can I have breakfast now!" Parker whined just as my foot hit the hardwood.

"Yes Parker I'm moving as fast as I can." I replied sleepily.

He laughed pulling me, which happened to startle me into waking up. "You can move faster than that Brooke."

No, not really. Not at this given time.

Slow walking out of my room I walked down the stairs with Parker and into the kitchen finding it the same way I left it last night. One huge mess.

The front door opened and closed quickly and quietly and my brain connected with my heart when I thought it could be the boys coming home. Shit! Not yet! It's still early!

"Morning Brooklyn. Morning Parker. How was your- whoa! Was yesterday the last Friday of the month?" Rose asked as she walked into the kitchen observing the mess she was going to clean later.

Okay, one perk about having full time working parents, you get a house maid. Who cleans, cooks, and does everything you don't have to do while your parents aren't home, "Yep. I tried to minimize the mess."

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