Chapter Forty-Five- Bitter Sweet Moments

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 Chapter Forty-Five- Bitter Sweet Moments

I woke up to a sunny morning but a dull afternoon; a dull moody day in general. I woke up on my own for a change once. I got to cuddle in bed and process my thoughts and even take a moment to relax with the enjoying quietness. The white sheets glided against my silky soft shaved legs and a beam of light shown on my face making me stir a bit more awake. I sighed rolling on my back and peeking through my eye lids to the dark blue ceilings with overlapping white designs.

Over to my right both my brother laid on their shared full bed, sprawled out with hanging limbs and snoring mouths. I mentally chuckled rubbing my tired eyes. I laid in my bed for a few more minutes scrolling through my phone before kicking the sheets off me with frustration. I sighed again getting up from the bed and thinking about what to do; first things firsts pay back.

Smiling wickedly at the bed next to me I crouched on the end of my bed and leaped onto the next bed right on top of Drew and Kyle. For a moment they groaned shifting their arms and legs from under me until they found out it was me; which wasn’t any better.

“Brooklyn!” They both shouted in their annoyed sleepy voices.

“Pay back’s a bitch, bros.” I chuckled laying in between them. The millions of times they’ve waken me up from my humble slumber to go to school or even just because.

“Pay back for what?” Drew started scowling at me.

Both Kyle and I growled rolling our eyes and shaking our heads. My brother is really stupid most times. I rubbed my eyes and got up from the bed, annoyed how uncomfortable it was laying on top of their hard muscly bodies. Well looks like it’s time to get ready.

I walked into the bathroom and got ready taking my shower and scrubbing my face clean. I put in my contacts and started with my makeup shortly after. All I did was darken my eyes that really made my olive eyes pop and dared to wear blood red lipstick. I debated off and on about doing the whole popping red lip color but I thought what the hell and do it anyways. It shows that I’m alive... at a funeral? Because I wouldn’t want to be thought that I was the dead person. I thought sarcastically.

After finishing up I threw on my cover up until we almost had to leave; then I’d put on my dress, I don’t like wrinkles. When I walked out of the bathroom Drew was still sleeping in bed as Kyle was watching TV in bed next to him. His arm casually behind one head as he flipped through the channels on the remote with his other hand.

“Aren’t you going to get ready?” I questioned to him with a hand on my hip. He shrugged pursing his lips pausing on the news channel, “You’ve got and hour and a half until we have to leave.” I kept on telling him.

He sighed rolling his eyes, “Drew get up.” Kyle ordered nudging him with his elbow to Drew’s side. Drew groaned and moaned moving his head side to side. I rolled my eyes turning my head towards the door when a knock came.

“Room Service this is your early wake up call.” Someone on the other side said with a horrible accent of some sorts. I narrowed my eyes behind closed doors slowly opening it with caution. Brandon and Kol stood behind our main door with goofy grins on their faces, “Did we wake you up?” Kol asked.

“Gee, I don’t know. Do I go to bed with make up on and bright red lipstick?” I questioned sarcastically widening the door open for them to walk in.

“You could but it’s not normal.” Brandon answered back.

I rolled my eyes as they walked in sitting on the end of my bed, “Shouldn’t you guys be getting ready?” I said to them, questioning their PJ get up at eight in the morning. We had to be at the wake around nine-thirty-ish but their aunt’s house around quarter of nine.

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