Chapter 4- Maybe, he's not all that bad.

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Chapter 4- Maybe, he’s not all that bad

Looking up from my desk I caught Nathan’s eye, smirking at me. I groaned again, hoping, and praying for him to go away. He ended up sitting in the open seat in front of me taking out his new books as the teacher ordered to open up to page whatever.

“Read The Tale of Two Cities and do the review packet with your group.” The teacher ordered sitting behind her desk. “Nathan you can work with Brooklyn, Bradley, and Madison.”

Of course he can! No surprise there that he was going to work with us.

Taking out my stuff too I went along pretty quickly acting serious with my work. I would see from the corner of my eye Brad and Maddi exchange looks like I had took a wrong turn or I had gone crazy, “So Nathan,” Maddi said making conversation as she twirled her pencil with her fingers. “Are you going to finish the school year with us?”

“Uh, yeah I think that’s the plan.” Nathan replied looking up from his packet.

“Are you staying in town or out of town?” Maddi asked casually.

“Maddi. Shut. Up.” I warned hissing my threat between my teeth. I was feeling uncomfortable with all these questions and they weren’t even to me! Maddi’s nosiness is just embarrassing.

She waved me off starring at Nathan like a prize position. Fixing her pose she held her pencil between her hands, resting her chin upon it. Maddi was definitely design for a model material. She’s proving that a lot lately since her uncle got her into a couple of shows this past fall.

“In town.” Nathan replied looking at me quickly then back to her. Maddi flashed me a look as well as Brad who was sitting on my right copying my paper. I looked away, twirling my hair like nothing was going on.

“Where about?” Maddi continued sweetly. She pushed her chestnut colored hair off to the side, leaning in closer like things were sounding interesting.

“Maddi, leave him alone.” I sighed shaking my head, “He doesn’t want you as a stalker.” I joked light heartedly. Beside me Brad snickered and Maddi glared at him.

 “No chit chatting! Back to work.” The teacher ordered starring deathly in our groups’ way. She honestly hates us and if murder was legal we’d be her first on the hit list.

“Tell Nathan.” Maddi whispered ignoring the teacher.

He looked over to me with a puzzled narrow look trying to read my expression of worry. With my eyes, I moved them side to side indicating no. Turning back to Maddi he shrugged, “Tell you later. Do you by any chance have the answer to number six?”

I sighed feeling a bit relived. Maddi shook her head and went back to her work as well. Grabbing the packet from Brad I shoved it in Nathan’s direction hoping it would keep him quiet.


“Here. Copy. Quietly. ”I said sternly to Nathan. He hid his lips in a tight grin and nodded once to copy the answer. Brad gave me a ‘what-the-hell’ look that I simply shrugged at. Thirty minutes later when the bell rang the four of us quickly packed up heading to our next classes that where at opposite ends.

“Does anyone know where Film Class is with Mr. Philips?” Nathan asked as we walked out of our English class.

“Please don’t tell me they gave you a copy of my schedule.” I groaned taking the paper from his hands. We have English, Film, lunch two, and psychology. Great, this should be tots fun! Note the sarcasm.

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