Chapter 16- All Out Now

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Chapter 16- All Out Now

"What the hell are you wearing?" Drew practically shouted as I walked down the stairs. I only made it down to the landing before getting caught. Dammit, so close! But actually so not.

"My uniform." I answered like there was no big deal. I took one more step before being pulled back up a step and twirled around to face the other way.

"Go change." Brody ordered kicking my butt to move up the stairs. I growled whacking his arm as I stomped up the stairs to change my button up from a blue plaid shirt to a regular common bleach white. I passed Kol and Brandon on the top of the stairs grumbling along. I stomped into my closet unbuttoning my shirt.

"How many times are you going to fake your uniform before you get that you can't get away with it?" Nathan chuckled from my doorway.

"Until I get away with it." I replied bluntly, "You better not even step foot in my room." I warned slipping on my white tank top.

"Chill, Brook. As much as I would like to see you half naked your brothers would kill me. But I'm pretty sure you would kill me first." He snickered.

"You are so disgusting and perverted." I howled grabbing a shoe to throw it at him around the corner.

"You missed!" He hollered.

"Don't tempt me to go and hit you with it for real." I warned him as I slipped on my jacket and shoes.

He chuckled tapping his fingers somewhere on my wall. Why is he still here? "You don't have to wait you know." I told him with a sigh.

"I kind of need your help." He said slowly coming around to the front of my closet, tie in hand.

"What if I was still changing?" I sassed at him putting my hands on my hips.

"Then I would have been so lucky." He smirked laughing.

"How lucky would you still be if I suffocated you with your tie?" I threatened pulling him with his tie. He chuckled lightly standing fairly close to me as I quickly started looping around his tie.

"Read to go back to school?" He whispered not sure or not if he should talk.

"Yeah." I replied surely, "No different from any other school day." I shrug.

"Well now-"

"Brooklyn! Hurry up!" Kyle's voice boomed up the stair case.

"You too Nate!" Brody shouted after.

I turned my head back and forth then looked back at Nathan's tie pushing it up to his neck. I flattened it out straightening up his jacket, "You were saying?"

"Nothing, never mind. Let's get to school." He replied with a small smile. I narrowed my eyes at him walking out of my room and down the stairs. I grabbed my bag and followed the boys out to the car and drove away to school. As usual it’s a sunny California day.

"Now listen Brooklyn." Kyle started off. Oh no, he used my full name, "You don't have to tell anyone about anything from Friday night. The only people that know were at the hospital. So when people ask you just say-"

"Just say fuc-"

"Drew!" Kyle shouted to him punching his arm.

"Ow dude!"

I giggled from the back seat staring out the window for a bit. Drew parked in the lot space and we all got out in sync. The O'Conner boys come a little bit after us, even though it was too early for him to be there. But they had a pre-morning day care before school started. I walked into school with my brothers, Kyle handing me my prepared lunch, then walking off.

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