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I pulled out my phone as we followed Serena back to a room away from anyone. Blair isn't going to believe this. She looks perfectly fine, but why she would let everyone worry about her only a crazy person would know. "What the hell are you doing here?" Serena asked.

"Uh, looking for you." I stated, listening to the phone ring.

"To observe and record." Georgina said and I rolled my eyes.

"No. We're here to help you." Nate stated.

"And get you home." Chuck stated.

"And, uh, I don't even know what I'm doing here." Dan stated, getting a smack from me and Georgina.

"Can't you see there's a party going on and you're not invited?" Serena asked.

The phone clicked from Blair finally answering. "Hey, did you find her?" Blair asked from other the phone.

"Either she's fine or having a mental breakdown because she's Sabrina now." I said on the phone and Serena rolled her eyes. "By the way, you know crashing parties is one of our favorite pastimes."

"Especially when it involves infiltrating a sophisticated yet deadly cult. Now, which one is the charismatic leader?" Georgina asked and this time I was rolling my eyes.

"Please leave before it's too late." Serena practically begged.

"Sabrina! Sabrina." I heard a man's voice.

"I'll call you back." I quickly said before hanging up the phone.

An older man walked into the room. "Sabrina, you didn't tell me you invited friends." He said.

"That is so Sabrina. Oh, she loves surprises." I said with a smile on my face.

"She has so many surprises, you could write a book about 'em." Georgina said.

"Where to end that book is the challenge." Dan stated and it took everything I had not to roll my eyes.

"I hope you don't mind us dropping by." Chuck stepped forwards shaking the man's hand.

"Steven. Nice to meet you. And of course not. The more, the merrier on this special day. Please, stay and be a part of it."

"Oh, yes, Steven. I think we will." I stated and Serena gave me a look before smiling at Steven.

"Why don't we get my friends some drinks then?" Serena asked, walking out of the room with Steve.

We walked out to the backyard where most of the party was set up. "This is so much worse than we thought." Georgina said and I rolled my eyes.

"Because you're here? I agree."

"What makes you say that? It's a nice house. He seems like a nice guy." Nate stated.

"Look at this. Trellis, chairs, pastor. This is a wedding. And Serena was wearing a white dress! Either she's the bride, or she's just really tacky. I told you. She's obviously had a psychotic break. Serena's taken too many happy pills, and now she think she's Sabrina from Dan's book."

"Why haven't we gotten rid of her?" I asked, stopping to look at everyone else. "We're in a pretty remote area."

"That actually sounds vaguely plausible." Dan said and I glared at him.

"Or today's the day of the cult sacrifice, and since I don't see any volcanoes in the area, I wonder if they're burning her at the stake." Georgina added.

"That's who you agreed with." I said, looking at Dan and he just sighed. I looked back around the party and I couldn't help but feel she had a slight point. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Georgina is right, we can't let her marry this guy."

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