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I sat with Blair and Dorota, getting ready for the pop-up show. This is going to be great. I can feel it. "Just think. I started off dressing the minions, and now I'll be dressing the masses." Blair cheered, and I clapped with excitement.

"It's going to be great!" I cheered.

"Miss Blair has come long way. All grown up with her--her own Barneys co-op pop-up shop." Dorota said.

"But first, the gift bags must be perfect." Blair stated, walking over to the table.

"I can help with that." We all heard Serena's voice as she walked into the office.

Blair crossed her arms with a stern look. "What are you doing here?" Blair asked and Serena let out a deep breath.

"Blair, I know that I've done some horrible things, but I am so sorry, and I've come to make amends." Serena explained.

"Amends would imply that there's something to be mended." Blair stated.

"You've sworn that our friendship is beyond repair in the past, but we've always gotten through it."

"And since we are starting over...." I stated, getting Blair to look at me.

She paused for a moment like she was thinking it over. Then she shook her head. "I refuse the toxicity." Blair stated.

Serena looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. She had to come up with something...I, honestly, got nothing. Plus, I don't want Blair to be mad at me too. Serena shook her head. "I won't accept losing you." She walked over sitting down in the chair. "So I'm just gonna sit here until you realize how sorry I am and how much I love you."

Blair rolled her eyes. "Suit yourself. Sit there, quietly, like a mannequin. That's what you're best at anyway."

"And what are you best at, Blair?" Then we saw Nelly walk into the room with a smirk. "Your new junior line? And what makes you think the Katniss Everdeen generation is going to care about Blair Waldorf's pleated skirts? You're not a teenager anymore."

"So? Designers don't have to be teenagers in order to influence them. In fact--"

Blair quickly cut Serena off saying, "No one is talking to you! Just be quiet."

"The world already has Stella and Phoebe and the Mulleavy sisters." Nelly stated. "Blair's too old to be the queen bee and not established enough to be a fashion star. She's stuck in the middle. And what could be less cool than being a tween?"

She is going to drive me to do something I will regret. "Well, I guess we'll have to see tonight." I stated, crossing my arms. Nelly turned walking out of the room. I waited for her to be gone before speaking again. "Can we just take a moment to be proud that I smack the glasses off her face?" I asked looking over to see Blair starting to pace with a panicked look on her face. "Blair, take deep breaths."

"Hey, B, you may not be the queen bee anymore, but Sage is. If you get her on your side, all the other girls will follow." Serena stated, getting her attention.

Blair scoffed. "What makes you think Sage would do either of us a favor?" Blair asked.

"She wouldn't, but she'd do anything to keep me and Steven apart."

"You are apart." I stated and Serena nodded, standing up

"Well, maybe we make it look like we're getting back together. I have a photo on my phone. It's not a sex tape, but it is a kiss."

"Maybe we date stamp it to make it look like it was taken today." I said, looking at Blair. "And send it to Gossip Girl to trick Sage."

"But all Sage would have to do is ask her dad if it's true." Blair pointed out.

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