Chapter Nineteen- Lena & Chuck Highlights

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Lena and Chuck knew for years that they were going to be together and it wasn't too long before they both knew they were ready to try to be parents. Lena knew she wanted to be a mom, and Chuck wanted to be a better dad than his own.

But like everything else for them, it wasn't going to be easy.

"How are you doing? You got anything going? Why aren't you saying anything?" Chuck asked from the other side of the bath door, waiting for Lena to say something to say anything.

"I can't do this with you badgering me with questions." Lena stated, letting out a deep breath, trying to focus. Chuck did mutter a word. Now, the silence was killing her. "Now, it's too quiet!"

Chuck rested his head against the wall, letting out a deep breath. "You know, if it is positive. You're going to be a great mom."

Lena let out a deep breath, finishing up in the bathroom. She walked out, holding the test in her hand.

"How long do we have to wait?" Chuck asked.

"3 minutes." Lena set the set on the table by the door before looking at him. "By the way, you're going to be a great dad." Chuck smiled at her and she pressed her lips agaisnt his.

After three minutes, Chuck's phone beeped and Lena took a deep breath in, holding up the test. POSITIVE. A smile spread on Lena's face. "We're going to have a baby." Tears filled her eyes. "We're going to be parents!" They wrapped their arms around each other.

Soon after that, they became parents to a beautiful baby boy.

Anthony Charles Bass

They didn't plan on having another child, but it wasn't up to them.

Chuck was in the kitchen, giving Tony some baby food in his highchair. Lena walked in with a small smile on her face and her hands behind her back. "He's amazing." Chuck stated, looking back at her with a smile.

"He is." Lena paused, giving her some time to continue watching the two important men in her life. "How do you think he would feel about having a sibling?"

Chuck shot a look at her with complete seriousness. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yup." Lena pulled the test out from behind her back, showing it to Chuck.

"I didn't even think you could get pregnant yet."

"Apparently, you can." Lena shrugged and Chuck looked away from her, staring out into the distance. "You okay?" He didn't answer. "Chuck?" Lena sighed, walking over to Tony. "Okay, come on Tony. I broke daddy and you need a bath." She picked him up, walking out of the room.

Then, Fallon Rose Bass was brought into this world.

Then there was the shock of a lifetime.

Fallon and Tony ran through the playroom in normal sibling fashion. Both playing and laughing to fighting and crying. "Fallon, be nice." Chuck sat in the playroom with them. "Tony, no taking."

Lena walked into the room, calling out for his attention. "Hi honey."

Chuck smiled back at her, noticing the smile on her face. "What's that smile?" Lena showed him the test. "HOW?!"

"I told you that sending the kids to my parents house for the night was a bad idea."

Chuck sighed. "I think I'm going to pass out." Then the kids ran over falling over him.

Lia Michelle Bass was born one very late night and Chuck and Lena knew they were done having children.

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