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I walked into Chuck's penthouse, making my way to the kitchen. He was sitting at the table, finishing a conversation with Lily. He hung up, and I sat at the table with him. "Lily's information is useless without the P.I.N. numbers. We have no hard evidence Bart illegally traded oil." Chuck sighed, tossing his phone onto the table.

"Well, it's too bad. Tonight's gala would've been the perfect time to strike, with the city's most prominent eyes upon him. The way I would want to do it."

Chuck scoffed. "Man of the year. What a charade."

Man of the year. Prominent eyes. We don't need to prove it if we break him. "That's it." I said and Chuck looked at me confused.

"What's it?"

"A charade. Lily's information may not be enough to convict Bart, but it may be enough to bluff a confession out of him."

Chuck paused for a moment before shaking his head. "I can't put Lily in danger, he cannot know she was the one who told me about the accounts."

"But what if Lily didn't do it?" I quickly pulled out my phone, standing up from the table. "Listen, I'll call you later. I have a plan." I walked over, kissing his cheek before rushing towards the elevator.

I made it to Lily's penthouse walking into Serena's room. It was a mess with clothes everywhere as she was shoving others in a bag. "Oh. It is a mess in here." I stated.

Serena looked up, smiling at me as I walked over to her. "Yeah, I'm just purging my closet. A post-Dan cleanse." Serena stated and I nodded.

"It's just what the doctor ordered, and a little distraction. Which is exactly what I have for you."

"Is this about Bart? My mom called and told me everything. It sounds like it's gotten pretty scary."

"Which is why we need to stop him. But in order to do that, we have to elicit a confession. And make him believe we have proof for his crimes."

"Okay, but how can I help?"

"Well, the last person to be seen with that microfilm in her grimy little paw was Ivy Dickens. But her cell's been disconnected and she hasn't been spotted on Gossip Girl for weeks."

Serena nodded. "She's probably at Cece's Hamptons house. That's the place she went, the last time she disappeared. Why don't we get her back here?" I nodded and Serena pulled out her phone. She sat at the end of the bed, answering the phone. "Hey, Ivy. It's Serena....You know, I've been doing some thinking, and I realized that my family treated you horribly....I don't know. I guess since Dan humiliated me, I have a new appreciation for friendship. So why don't we meet at the Oak Room around noon? And, uh, we can chat over lunch....Great. Bye." Serena hung up the phone and looked up at me. "She's in." Ivy may not be my favorite person, but this is going to work.

I called Chuck to meet Serena and I at the Oak room. We all sat at the bar, leaving a chair open between Serena and me. That way she can't try to run for it. Ivy walked out of the room. "Don't try to tell me you all wanna be friends." Ivy said walking over.

"We don't. I called you here under false pretenses. We need your help with a mission we have against Bart Bass." Serena said as she walked over to the chair.

"Are you kidding? I was locked in a room with Bart Bass. He's dangerous."

"Yes, he is, and you aggravated him with your topless antics and missing microfilm. So if you ever wanna safely return to New York, he needs to be taken care of." I explained, pointing for her to sit down.

Ivy sighed, sitting down. "Well, if I knew how, I would've done it."

"We need you to be the goat." I stated and Ivy looked at me confused. "Don't tell me you've never studied medieval warfare. When the Byzantines wanted to lure a dragon from its cave, they tied a goat to a stick."

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