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Chuck and I made it outside and I carefully made a point of leaving my phone at the table. We made it outside, hiding behind the building as the cops were all around. Chuck pulled out his phone, making a call. "Okay, thanks. Do what you need to do. Don't tell anyone you talked to me." Chuck hung up the phone before looking back at me. "Arthur's stuck out front. They're stopping all the cars from the event."

We need to get out of here, right now. "Give me the phone." Chuck handed me his phone and I called the one person who could help. The one person who can get out of anything. Georgina.

She kept us from being seen, got us in the truck of the limo, and took Chuck's phone to get rid of it. We could hear police questioning Arthur. "Yes, this is Chuck Bass' limo, but he's not with me."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard from him since I dropped him off. Mr. Bass often finds his own way home from these things."

"All clear." I felt the limo move and I let out a deep breath, holding onto Chuck. My brain was running on high.

My eyes snapped open from the knock on the door. I've been trying to sleep for hours, and getting nowhere. Waiting for the knock. And this was it. Fear flooded my entire body. Chuck cautiously stood up from the bed, slowly walking over to the door. "Who is it?" Chuck asked and I pushed myself up.

"Room service." It was Jack's voice, but that doesn't necessarily make me feel better. Chuck looked at me and ran into the bathroom. I shut the door, leaning against it to listen. "I have terrible news. Bart's dead."

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't know if you've heard, but, uh, a lot of people are looking for ya. Lena, you can come on out. Uncle Jack's here to help." I walked out of the bathroom, letting out a deep breath to see him set a tray of food on the coffee table and sit on the couch. "I still had a tracking device on your limo from back in the day when I hated you, and I thought it was a little odd when your limo driver made a midnight trip to a romantic inn in Windham." Chuck sat on the couch and walked over sitting next to him at the end. "Any way you kill him or not? 'Cause if you didn't, running sure makes it look like you did."

"Chuck did nothing wrong." I stated. I don't think I could eat.

"That's not entirely true. I didn't help him. Who shoved who first? Who got hit? I I don't even know." Chuck said, looking down at his hands.

"It was self-defense. Bart tried to kill you on that plane." I stated.

"I saved myself, then I fought back. I don't feel guilty, but that doesn't mean I'm not. Anyways, Bart made it clear he owns Captain Donnelley."

There has to be a better way to do this. A better way to handle this. "Can you help us get out of here?" I asked, looking over at Jack. "A nice deserted island with no extradition treaties? We don't need money. We can live off the land."

"As much as I'd love to see you spearfishing in a coconut bikini, I had another thought." Jack said. "Were there security cameras on that roof?"

"Bart turned them off." Chuck stated.

"Because he was going to kill you." I quickly added.

"Who saw you up there?" Jack asked.

"Him and Lena." Chuck answered.

"And I won't say a word." I quickly said. "Even if they torture me." God, I hope there isn't torture.

"I, uh, had a different kind of torture in mind." Jack said with a smirk. "Marriage. Spousal privilege means that a wife cannot be forced to testify against her husband."

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