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'The start of a new school year and a new me. Every year, imposters show up talking about the different wannabes passing through Constance and St. Judes. It's going to be different this year. We all remember my start. The names Owen, Bass, Waldorf, Archibald, Van Der Woodsen, and Humphrey that brought us all the gossip and joy of drama our hearts needed. Now it's time to see how much their kids have learned from their parents. And I'll be there every step of the way. You know you love me.' -XOXO Gossip Girl

In a world of uncertainty, there is always one thing you can count on. Fallon ruling over the school of Constance and looking good as she does it. She always looked good. She took the school uniform, making a way to look less like a brain-dead porn star in a sick and twisted adult film only found deep in the internet and more like the women she wanted to be. How could she not? Being brought up around Lena Bass, Serena Humphrey, and Blair Waldorf-Owen can create something...strong, beautiful, and never letting her age set her path.

It's just over an hour before school was about to start when Fallon walked in with her three minions following behind her, where they seemed to belong. The halls were empty, but the front of the school wasn't. Girls lined up for their meeting with Fallon to fill the open slot in her group. It was a change every freshman girl wanted and few could actually get. "It's so early, Fallon." Sara complained from the right side of Fallon, holding half of the stack of school files in her hands.

"Ladies, it is the start of Junior year, do you know what that means?" Fallon in her tracks turning on her heels, facing her minions.

The girls glanced at each other as in their confused faces they could find the answer. "The start of a new era?" Phoebe asked, gripping the other half of the folders in her arms.

Fallon rolled her eyes. "It was the start of a new era when I got Clair all but deported and took the throne," Fallon stated, turning back on her heels as she continued to walk towards the exit. "It's the start of a new me." They made it outside and Fallon smiled at the girls lined up by the school steps. "Now, let's go find our new minion." Fallon walked away and Taylor stepped closer to Phoebe and Sara.

"Does this mean that I won't have to carry all the books?" Taylor asked, struggling to hold all four of their bags and their books on top of it.

"What happened to Jo?" Sara asked Phoebe, completely overlooking Taylor's question.

Phoebe shrugged. "I don't know. Last time I saw her, she was dancing on a table and taking her shirt off." Sara shook her head as she walked towards Fallon with Phoebe right next to her.

Taylor sighed, trying hard to not drop anything. "So, I guess I'll just wait to find out." Taylor quickened her path to follow the girls.

While some are early on the first day, some are not in as much of a hurry. "You're going to make me late on the first day!" Josie shouted sitting at the end of Celeste's bed as her best friend walked out of her bathroom buttoning up her white school blouse.

"You could have left with Andy." Celeste smirked and Josie rolled her eyes at the idea.

"And listen to him drool over Fallon, I'll pass."

"You could be nicer to her." Celeste stated knowing exactly how to get a rile from Josie.

"Just hurry up." Josie stood up from the bed, moving her bag back onto her shoulder. Celeste moved her hair out of her face, giving one good look in the mirror before grabbing her bag and walking out with Josie.

A nice black car pulled up in front of the school as Gemma Owen and Andy Humphrey stepped out of the car. "Thanks for picking me up." Gemma said as Andy walked around the car and over to Gemma. "You know how early Fallon leaves the first day of school." Gemma rolled her eyes at the thought.

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