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As much as I want to love the idea of Chuck being with me, I know that it's just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose. He'll shut down and shut me out. I can't let that happen. And I certainly can't leave the city. "You can't skip Thanksgiving because you don't want to go." Blair stated, walking out of my bedroom and I quickly followed behind her.

"Correction. I can if I'm not alone." I hurried so that I could stop in front of her. "That is why you and Sebastian are going to skip with me."

Blair sighed. "I don't understand. Being with Chuck is what you wanted and now you got it. Why are you acting like it's the end of the world?"

"Yes, it is still all I want, but this is Chuck Bass. He is not someone that just gives up."

"That's true. He knows three languages just to sleep with his tutors."

"It's not in his nature to just rollover. Plus, it's not like my parents aren't coming back. They will be back once the holiday is over."

Blair lightly shook her head. "He'll snap out of his funk eventually." Blair walked past me.

"Okay, how about leaving Serena with Humphrey." I stated, turning around.

"Well, I don't want her back with that backstabbing Brooklynite, but now that we're best friends again, I have to just hold my tongue and let this ridiculous relationship run its course." Blair sighed, looking back at me. "We will just play the supportive friend, which we both know I'm much better at from the other side of the Atlantic."

I looked over to see Serena walking over with her perfect timing. "Serena! I'm so glad you're still here." I said, getting Blair to turn around.

"So my thanksgiving plans changed." Serena stated.

"Let me guess. Humphrey left you high and dry. Not to worry. I have pie." Blair stated.

"No, Dan and I are great. Actually, we decided to host thanksgiving together, and I need you both there."

"Well, I mean, we have years to have other Thanksgiving with my parents. What do you say Blair?" I asked and Blair shot a glare at me from over her shoulder.

"Please, Blair, We really wanna spend thanksgiving with you guys, and I'm not gonna take no for an answer." Serena begged.

Blair looked back at her, letting out a deep breath. "Okay. If that's what you really want, then I, as your friend, will be there to make sure things run the way they should."

"Yay!" I cheered.

"Okay, I already texted Nate." Serena looked over at me. "Can you let Chuck know for me?"

I smiled. "I would love to."

Serena walked away and Blair waited for her to be gone before looking at me. "Did you set that up?" Blair asked.

"Did you hear her? She is getting domestic with that wool-haired whiner. Four major holidays stand between thanksgiving and Serena being a June bride. Measures must be taken-- drastic measures." I walked past Blair, heading over to grab my coat.

I made it all the way to the hotel just to have the doorman move in front of me. I went to walk around him and he just moved in front of me again. "Step aside." I ordered, but he didn't move. "Are you deaf? I said move it, buster!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Owen, but Mr. Bass gave us specific instructions. You're no longer welcome at the Empire."

You have to be kidding me. I went across the street to the park calling Nate and telling him to call me with coffee. It took him forever to finally show up. "What the hell took you so long?" I yelled at him and Nate sat down next to me.

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