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I woke up to the house of someone yelling my name. It took me a minute to be able to figure it out. It was the little voice that gave it away. "Auntie Lena!" I felt the little body jump on the bed and I smiled, moving my eye mask off of my face.

"Why are you disturbing my sleep?" I asked, grabbing William and pulling him onto the bed.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Alanna asked.

"Because I was sleeping. It's a beautiful thing."

"Well, mom called. They are moving back because she wants to have the baby here."

I quickly sat up and all I could think about was the baby scream crying. "Oh, God."

"Yeah, so you either need to move or-"

"I'll be living with our parents and newborn. I'm going to have to pass on that one."

"I thought you would want a heads up. They have some things they need to finish first, so you have some time. I'll go check on breakfast." Alanna walked out of my room and I could feel William, pulling the blanket over himself.

I sighed. "Like I wanna be in the same house with mom and her pregnancy anger." I reached over at the time, letting out a deep breath. Then my alarm went off. I turned it off, sighing. "Now, I have to get ready for work."

"No!" William yelled with a smile on his face.

"Alright. I'll just stay here with you." I stated, laying back down, cuddling with him.


I was sitting at my desk working when my phone started ringing. I saw it was Blair and I picked it up. Before I could say anything, she cut me off. "Hey, are you going to Serena's party?" Blair asked.

"Well, hello to you to Blair."

Blair sighed. "Are you?"

"Why would I go to her party? We aren't friends anymore. Plus, I wasn't invited."

"Nelly is writing about me and she wants to destroy me."

"Nelly from high school?"

"What other Nelly would I be talking about?" She snapped.

"Someone's snappy."

"My world is falling apart."

"Your world is not falling apart. Just stick to what you know. You're talented and Nelly's gonna see it rather she wants to or not. Just don't do anything reckless that is going to get you in more trouble."

"Alright." She said and I don't think that she's listening to me.

"Blair, I'm serious." I stated.

"And I hear you." Blair stated before quickly hanging up the phone before I could say anything else. She's going to ruin it. I should see if I can bet money with someone that she's going to Serena's party.

I was sitting in my office, eating my lunch when my door swung up. Chuck walked in, looking worried and I looked at him confused. "Lena, are you okay?" Chuck asked, looking around like he thought he would see something.

"I'm eating Chinese. I'm perfect." I stated before getting confused. "Why? What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but you look worried."

"I wasn't intending to come, but then I heard from you."

Now, I'm even more confused. "From me? Well, you must've telepathically felt my distress from dying of starvation."

"No, this was a text."

"I didn't send a text." I said, shaking my head lightly.

"If you didn't send it, I think I know who did. I have to go." He leaned over, kissing my cheek.

"Good luck." I stated, watching him leave my office in a hurry. And I thought my days were stressful.

I walked out of the office, leaving the building to my car that was waiting for me. Patrick got out of the car, opening the door for me. "He's been there waiting for thirty minute." Patrick stated, nodding behind me.

I turned around to see Micheal smoking with his back to me. "All that waiting and you could have missed me." I stated, getting him to turn around and look at me. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. His hair was falling down his face, but he was still wearing a suit. "What are you still doing here?"

"Do you think catering to my father is going to make me run with my tail between my legs?" He asked tossing his cigarette onto the ground and stepping on it.

"If you were smart." I stated, crossing my arms.

"I'm not going to leave that easily. I'm going to take everything from you. Like you did to me."

"Don't be so dramatic."

"And now, I have John and all his secrets."

I scoffed. "You have nothing. John doesn't know anything anymore and once people realize that he's a traitor, his friends and social status will plummet. Which means his social crazed wife will abandon him too. Then all you have is a washed-out old man talking about the good old days." I turned around, walking back to the car.

"You have something to prove to your father. I have something to prove to mine. Plus, you have more enemies than you think you do."

I stopped, only looking back at him. "And I will still win and all you'll have to hang on to is that I gave you a way out and you didn't take it." I got into the car and Patrick shut the door before getting in. I pulled out my phone. I need to know who he's talking to.


I was sitting on my bed, looking at places to live when Rose knocked on my door handing me an envelope left by my PI. I pulled out the papers to see a picture of Micheal talking to the one and only Bart Bass. Can't stop his son, so he starts going after the people that his son loves. I always knew that he was a bastard. I'll just have to kill two birds with one stone. I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Blair come into my room. "Hey, you won't believe what I just found." I stated tossing the picture on the foot of my bed.

"That's Bart." Blair stated. I think that's pretty obvious, but she doesn't know the serious problem this is.

"Talking to Micheal, who is trying to take my company." I stated and Blair sighed. "He's trying to come after me." Blair set the photos down, letting out a deep breath. "He has no idea who he's dealing with."

"I'm pregnant." Blair blurted out and I felt myself freeze. I looked up at her and Blair smiled. "I'm pregnant."

I screamed with excitement standing up and wrapping my arms around her. "I knew something was up!" I stated looking at her. "That is so exciting!"

"I'm so glad that I finally told you. Keeping this secret has been killing me." Blair and I sat down on my bed. "But we aren't telling anyone else. Not until we tell our parents and we make it through the first trimester."

I nodded. "I can keep a secret." I said before leaning forward to hug her again.

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