Chapter Sixteen- Nate Highlights

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After the reveal of Gossip Girl, The Spectator skyrocketed to the top, and becoming mayor was in Nate Archibald's sights. He used his childhood skill of handling fancy parties and making connections to put himself on top.

That's when he met her.

Oliva Fredricks. She was beautiful. Daughter of rich parents wanting to make a future for herself. New to New York from France. She was charm, grace, and Nate was hooked. Hooked like he has never been before.

She was smart and made him feel like he could do anything.

And he did.

Chuck like her because Nate loved her.

Dan enjoyed her.

Blair became her friend.

Lena didn't trust her.

Serena didn't like her.

Sebastian didn't care.

Either way, their wedding was held in France with both their friends and family in support. They were a happy couple. Young, in love, and so much planned.

Nate was moving up the social ladder and Olivia wasn't far behind.

Then she was pregnant.

A beautiful baby girl was born. Joslyn Penelope Archibald.

But she couldn't fix their relationship.

Olivia loved her fair share of parties and people, and Nate didn't like that. He felt she spent more time at parties than with her family. Especially when her flirty side caused the Upper East Side rumor mill to flourish.

Nate loved his job, but the more he worked the lonelier Olivia started to feel. He would shut himself in his office trying to avoid the upcoming fight between them and she would end up going to sleep alone.

They both knew where their relationship was going and there seemed to be no way to stop it.

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