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I walked into the 'Man of the Year' party in a gold strapless dress that went just past my knees. The rest of the girls fanned out, setting my plan in motion. I just had to stay focused. I walked over to Sage, who was calling Bart over and over again. He was getting antsy. I could tell. "Great job on stealing the dead guy's phone. Now just keep calling Bart until he cracks. I'm gonna start phase two." I stated, walking away. I found Iman, bringing her over to Bart. "Bart?" I asked, getting his attention. "There you are. Perhaps you remember my very special guest, Iman Hassan? You did some oil dealings with her father."

I shocked him. That I could tell. "It's lovely to see you, Iman. Although I never did any business with your father. We were simply good friends." Bart said, covering his basis.

"Who shared a love of horses." Iman said.

"Yes, that's right. How is her dear Lady Alexander living out her days at your horse farm?" I asked.

"Grazing away happily, I should think."

"I know what you did to my horse. Did you murder my father, too?" Iman asked.

"I loved your father like a brother."

"I've met Jack. I doubt that's a compliment." I stated.

Bart got a phone call again and he looked up at me. "If you'll excuse us, Iman we need a moment."

"Tell security where I am. I wouldn't want to go mysteriously missing." I stated and he grabbed my phone, pulling me away. He tossed his phone in a bowl of water as we walked past.

Once we made it to the back, I snatched my arm out of his grasp. "I know what you're trying to do with the envelopes and the phony phone calls. I've seen A Christmas Carol."

I shrugged, making sure to set up a recording on my phone. "The classic tale of misdeeds haunting a man who didn't remedy them."

"You know, I've always felt that Scrooge was unfairly maligned."

I scoffed. "You would." I stepped closer to him. "I know what you did. You know what you did. And we both know that secrets in the Upper East Side never stay secret. Everyone will know about you and your life will be over. I can promise you that."

Bart opened his mouth to speak but the news playing on a computer got my attention. 'Owned and operated by Bass Industries. The G2 was reported missing off the coast of Maine.'

"Turn that up." I said and a worker listened to me.

'The coast guard is investigating the area where the plane went off the radar after sending a mayday signal.'

My stomach and my heart dropped to the floor. Bart looked back at me with no emotion. "Oh, no. I hope that wasn't the one Chuck was on."

'At present, there was no communication from the plane. A search and rescue operation is currently underway to identify victims."

"Good evening." We could hear a voice over the speaker in the party. "My name is Jason Pomeranc, and I'm the chairman and founder of Thompson Hotels. I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to New York real estate's man of the year award."

Bart smirked. "That's my cue." Bart walked away and I stared back at the news.

'The exact number of passengers aboard the plane is still uncertain. We'll bring you more information as it becomes available.'

"Chuck! Stop! What are you doing?" I asked, rushing over to him and Chuck stepped off the stairs, moving in front of me.

"I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you."

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