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I felt a hand rubbing my back as I woke up in the morning. I was laying on my side and I slipped off my eye mask. I looked over to see Chuck sitting on the side of my bed. I looked at him slightly confused. "Rose, you look so different." I said, making him chuckle.

"Very funny."

I sat up in the bed, so I was facing him. His arm was laying over me. "Not that I don't love having you here. What are you doing here?"

"My hands may be momentarily tied when it comes to my mission against my father. And I thought we could have breakfast."

"I never say no to breakfast." Chuck leaned in pecking my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." He stood up walking out of the room and I got out of bed, heading into the bathroom to get dressed.


Chuck and I were sitting at the table, eating breakfast just like it should be when I heard Sebastian call my name. "Lena, I need your help!" He obnoxiously yelled before finally making it into the room. He looked shocked to see Chuck at the table. "Hey, Chuck."

"Sebastian" Chuck greeted before drinking his coffee.

"Does this mean your stupid pack is over?" Sebastian asked and I glared at him for bringing it up.

"What do you need, Sebastian?" I quickly asked, getting him to focus on the reason he is ruining my breakfast.

"Blair is stressing herself out with the fashion show." Sebastian stated. "I don't know what to do. I don't know or care what color dress the first model should walk out in. I prefer her when she's not wearing anything."

"I get that feeling." Chuck said and I rolled my eyes.

Sebastian walked over to the table, leaning against the back of the chair, next to me. "She's on fluids because she passed out because of stress." I felt myself instantly panic, thinking of the baby. "She's fine, but I said I would handle it and I thought, who is the best person for the job?"

"I am the best for the job." I stated, taking a bite of my bacon. "I'll handle it."

"You are the best." He swiped a piece of bacon off my plate before running out of the penthouse.

"And I thought it was going to be a light day." I stated, finishing off my food. Planning a fashion show....I think I could do it.

I was right. I am amazing. I was about to get the clothes ready, all the seats assigned, and decorations up just in time for the show. Luckily, I know Blair enough to know she will love it. She just had some finishing touches to work on before the actual start, like making sure the lineup is perfect. I was finishing telling her all about it when her smile fell. "Oh, the ice woman cometh." Blair stated and I turned around to see Serena walk over to us. I haven't even seen her since she got back. Not that I was trying to.

"I wanted to apologize about our conversation earlier. I know that I was way out of line." Serena said and it's a good thing she's not trying to be an actor.

"I've seen better fake apologies. What do you want?" I asked and Serena sighed.

"I need Sage to be in the fashion show." Serena stated.

"Ironic, since I need a fabulous 'it' girl to walk in my show. But Sage is in high school. Sorry. Can't help you." Blair stated.

"This is your opportunity to discover Sage. Look, Karl found Naomi. Calvin invented Christy. People love a fresh, new face."

"So what you're saying is that you wanna use me, your non-family, to make a good impression on your new real family."

Serena crossed her arms. "Yeah. Yeah, having Sage in your show will save my relationship with Steven."

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