I need your help...if you're interested.

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I am posting this here because I need people who also love Gossip Girl to help me. So, I am sorry if it bothers you getting a notification from a complete story. 

I am working on a new Gossip Girl story following five/six (the sixth is still being debated by the counsel *my brain*) original characters in the Upper East side.

Now, I'm stuck lol.

Originally, it was going to follow the characters as they each fell in love with a main character of the show. Well, I have reached a point where it's can go in a different direction where some of the OC's ending up with each other. The problem with that is two of the OCs cannot be friends with their exes. (One gets meaner to the one ex they have every time they see them.) So, if they date a friend and breakup it would impact the friend possibly in a way that won't get it back (but who doesn't love a little bit of a mess). 

Now I'm stuck between wanting to stick with my original story or change directions, which is why I need your help. 

So, these are the directions I can go with:

--They will have other relationships but they will end up in a relationship with each other only.

--They will have other relationships but they (at least a few of them) will end up in a relationship with each other and maybe one or two will end up with a main character.

--They will have other relationships (even with each other) but their endgame will be with a member of the main characters. (But not always only date the one they end up with).

--They won't have relationships with their friend group and just outside of it and they will end up with a member of the main characters (But not always only date the one they end up with). 

--Or Lizzy stop over thinking it and let the characters decide and we will just see what happens.  

Thank you in advance for your help. You can just leave a comment here or message me if you want. I hope this makes sense. I feel like there is a slight chance I rambled(and I'm overthinking this because I know the big plans lol), but I didn't want to give anything away. 

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