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I sat on Blair's couch with her, looking at some sonograms. I don't see much, but I'm not going to say that. Sebastian walked in with a coffee in his hands. "Sebastian, she has your wiggly gray lines." I stated, making him roll his eyes.

"We don't know if it's a girl yet." Sebastian stated.

"Really? That's what you question?" I asked.

Sebastian chuckled, sitting in a chair. "How is having Dan stay with you?"

I looked over at Blair. "You told him?"

"I didn't know it was a secret." Blair stated with her own judgment.

"It's not, but I don't need any judgment." I looked back at Sebastian. "I'm just helping a friend."

"A friend that used to be in love with you." Blair stated.

"I couldn't just send him away."

"Because you feel guilty." Sebastian said. Man, they are really ganging up on me.

"I have nothing to feel guilty about." I stated.

"Agreed, but it's not like Dan made it easy for you." Blair pointed out. "He basically cut you out of his life for not making yourself love him."

"We all make mistakes." I stood up from the couch, going into the kitchen. I'm going to need some wine if I have to listen to them.

I made it to work, seeing Micheal as I made my way to my office. He actually looked like he did before. Even with the coffee that wasn't for him in his hand. "Wow, don't you look less like a crazy person." I stated.

"I clean up nice. Clearly, you always do."

"You have to stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Flirting with me."

"Because it's not working or because you're my boss's boss now?"

"Both. Have fun getting coffee." I stated, walking past him to my office. I wasn't going to give a job where he could do any damage. I gave him to Bryn. Something tells me they will have a lot of fun together.


I walked out of my bedroom, heading down the hall ready for cotillion. I wasn't going to go, but Blair told me I had to. Well, she tricked me. She got me to say I didn't have plans before making me go to cotillion. She's sneaky when she wants to. "Wow." I looked up to see Dan dressed in a suit. "You look beautiful."

"You're quite the dapper Dan yourself. Who are you dressed for?"

"You." I looked at him confused. "I know Chuck's busy, and no one should go to cotillion alone."

Well, it would be nice not having to entertain myself. "Well, I suppose I could overlook your upbringing now that you're a regular feature in Vanity Fair." I stated, walking towards the elevator with him.

Dan and I made it to the party, and it wasn't too bad. But it did get better when I saw Chuck walking over to us. "You came."

"Lena, you look devastating, as always." Chuck smiled at me before looking at Dan. "And, Humphrey, I see you immortalized me once again in print. Should I be concerned about your level of obsession?"

"Not at all. I find your battle with your father inspiring. It's the stuff myths are made of, like Zeus and Cronus. It never ends." Dan said.

"Until Zeus wins and comes to be with Hera." I said, and I know that's not right, but it makes me feel good.

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