Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:

"Shut the f.uck up! Just shut up, already!"

I flinched as I heard my father scream at my mother. My mother was hardly even defending herself, lately she had been just taking whatever he would give her.

I was sitting in my bedroom currently, reading some book that I had found while cleaning out my closet. I had come up here to get away from their shouting and constant bickering, but it seems that I just can't escape it.

I sighed and closed the book, throwing it onto the floor as I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. I missed Vic. The weekend was only a day away, but yet it seemed so far!

I busied myself with thinking about what I and Vic would be doing over the weekend. Would he take me to dinner again? Would we go see a movie? Maybe we'd visit the zoo or something!

I smiled and played with the ends of my hair. I honestly didn't care what Vic had planned, I just wanted to hang out with him away from everyone where we could finally be ourselves. Sometimes it's as though Vic's two different people. With me he's the sweet, kind, and funny guy that I really like, and with other people he's a complete and utter Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder, 'which one is the real Vic?'

It's obvious which side I was rooting for.

A door slammed downstairs and I heard a car start up. Oh great, I guess dad left again. My door slammed open and I sat up quickly, seeing my mother standing there with an angry look on her face.

"You. This is your f.ucking fault."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You ruined everything!" She screamed.

I was confused as to what she was talking about. I haven't even spoken to her in days! Or dad, even! What could I have possibly done wrong?

"I don't understand-"

She pinned me against the wall and I gasped as her hand wrapped around my throat. I struggled in her grip, but she held me tightly. As I started to see black spots, she released me and I dropped to the ground in a heap, gasping for air.

"If it wasn't for you we'd still be happy..." She whispered sadly, walking out of my room as she shut the door quietly.

I sat there for a while, still trying to process what had happened. Tears were running down my cheeks as I took it all in. She was blaming me for their arguments. She was blaming me for her marriage falling apart...

I couldn't help but wonder if she was right. Was I the reason that her and dad were fighting all of the time? But why would I be the reason? I'd never even done anything to either of them. I'd always had perfect grades...I'd always been polite and tried to make them happy...

I sniffled and wiped my eyes. Maybe my existence was the reason their marriage was falling apart. I remember my mother mentioning that my father didn't want a second kid after my sister, Kailey, but my mother had fallen pregnant anyways. Technically, I wasn't even supposed to be born.

I climbed into bed and turned off my lamp, tears still running down my cheeks. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't enough for them. My sister Kailey had always been the family favorite...not that I expected that to change. She was perfect in every way. Amazing personality, super popular, great ambitions...

And while her grades weren't the best, my parents still loved her since she was so popular and outgoing. I had always been the 'quiet' or 'nerdy' kid, and so I was labeled as the 'odd-one-out' and was drastically outshined by her looks.

And don't even get me started on her looks. She always manages to look flawless in every picture and every time I see her. And yes, I look like her, but I'm no where near as beautiful. I'm just...I'm just Kellin Quinn the nerdy fa.ggot from Clairemont-High and she's Kailey Bostwick the flawless college student.

Vic would probably go for her any day instead of me...

That thought shook me from my depressed state and instead stuck me in a curious and worried one. Would he really leave me for her if he saw how much better she was? He promised that he'd stay with me...he wouldn't' break that promise, right?

I fell asleep just praying that Vic would never come face-to-face with my sister, who was every bit better than me in every single way.


I woke up in the morning and slammed my hand down on my alarm clock, silencing it. I quickly got dressed and had some breakfast, starting my walk towards the high-school. I was feeling a little sick after last night, and truthfully I just didn't want to go to school. Not to mention that I had pile on an of concealer so that the large bruise that wrapped around my frail neck wasn't visible.

Vic would flip if he saw it...

I walked through the doors of the high-school and was immediately tripped, falling onto my face as the rest of the student body laughed their asses off. I tried not to let it show, but that actually really hurt. I winced as I picked myself up and gathered my books. One of the books as jabbed into my ribs when I landed on it and I knew that I would most likely have a bruise there as well.

I walked to my locker and grabbed the textbooks I'd need for the next few periods, stuffing the rest of my books in my locker. I slammed it closed and walked to my first period, sitting down with a small sigh.

I was so tired, I had barely gotten any sleep last night. I was still upset about my mom...but it had faded into more of a depression rather than the confusion and hurt I was feeling last night.

"Mr. Quinn! Can you answer the question on the board?" Our calculus teacher, Mrs. Momsen snapped.

I lazily looked at the board, my head still resting on my desk. It was some long ass equation, but it was easy. I quickly calculated the answer in my head without any problems.

"Seventy-four." I said, not missing a beat as I turned my head to look back out of the window.

She huffed and turned back around, teaching the rest of the class how to do the seemingly difficult problem. I traced little patterns on my desk, occupying my mind with thoughts of Vic. I hadn't seen him all morning...I don't think he's even at school today. Or maybe he is but he's just avoiding me. Maybe he's realized how pathetic I am and he doesn't want to be with me anymore...

The bell rang and I slung my bag over my shoulder, walking past Ms. Momsen to my next class.

I honestly wouldn't blame him if he left me. I'm probably not good enough for anyone...

Author's Note: Important

Hey lovelies! Just wanted to make a quick note and thank everyone who's been commenting/voting on this story. You guys mean so much to me and if it wasn't for you, this book would sadly not be continuing.

By the way, this is a little early to ask, but should I do a sequel to this when it ends? Let me know so I can think about it.


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