Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

~Vic's P.O.V. ~

I looked down at my phone and saw that Kellin was calling, his smiling face lighting up the screen of my phone. I bit my lip and hit the 'end' button, guilt hitting me like a ton of bricks. I was hoping he'd just think that I was busy, but truth be told I was avoiding him.

After me and Jaime's conversation at the beginning of the week, I just had trouble facing him. I still needed to figure out a way to tell Kellin about the bet.

"Hey, Tone, you wanna play?" Jaime asked, looking up at Tony from the floor.

Tony shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. The atmosphere was so awkward. I and Jaime still hadn't completely made up, and Tony and Mike were still not speaking. Tony was hurt and Mike was still in complete and total denial. Jaime shook his head at Tony and went back to playing 'Mortal Kombat X'.

I looked at Mike and rolled my eyes, he was staring at the TV and pouting. God my brother was an idiot. He's gonna loose Tony if he isn't careful. Then again...I guess I'm an idiot too. Maybe it just runs in our family.

"Okay, I'm sick of this bullshit." Jaime said suddenly, slamming the controller down.

We all jumped as he stood, looking angry. He pointed his finger at Tony first.

"First of all, quit moping. If Mike doesn't like you like that, then he doesn't like you like that.. That doesn't mean you get to pout and ignore him for months."

He turned to Mike and pointed his finger at him.

"Second of all, we all know you like Tony. It's so obvious it's ridiculous. I don't know if you're nervous about school or if you'll think that you'll be judged, but get over it before you lose him. You're acting like a spoiled fuc.king brat."

I smiled and I was about to applaud Jaime, but then he turned to me.
Oh shit.

"And you. Quit smiling over there like you aren't at fault. I saw you hang up on Kellin. I've seen how you've been avoiding him all week just because of your own guilty fuc.king conscience. Grow up, grow a pair, walk up to him on Monday, plead for his forgiveness, and then fucking tell him. I'm sick of your Kellin doesn't deserve this. How do you think he felt when he saw that you declined his call?"

"Wait...Vic, what aren't you telling Kellin?" Mike asked.

Jaime looked at Tony and Mike's confused expressions and laughed.

"So Kellin isn't the only one you've been lying to?" Jaime asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, looking away.

"What's going on?" Tony asked.

"A few months ago when Vic and Kellin were partnered up on a music project, I made a bet with him. I told him that I was positive he liked him, so that if he asked him out and ended up falling for Kellin like I said he would, and that he could get Kellin to fall for him too, he'd do my homework for the year. And if I was wrong, I would do his. And I was right. But now he's refusing to tell Kellin."

"Are you two fucking serious? You two made a bet on Kellin's feelings? That's fuc.ked up." Mike snapped, looking between me and Jaime.

"Even though I'm not talking with Mike, I agree with him. That was really messed up guys." Tony scolded.

Jaime sighed.

"I know. And trust me, I fully intend on apologizing to Kellin. But I can't do it until Vic tells him the truth."

Now they were all staring at me. I squirmed under their gaze and continued avoiding their eyes.

"If you all think that yelling at me and giving me dirty looks is going to make me talk to Kellin, you're wrong. Because you're acting exactly how I'm scared he's going to..." I said quietly.

They all softened a bit, looking guilty.

"You guys just don't understand. This isn't about me being afraid of facing Kellin, it's me being afraid of losing him. He is the first guy that I've ever been truly in love with, and I don't want a stupid decision I made to be the reason it's all ripped away from me. I'm afraid that when I tell him, he's going to look at me the exact way you all did and he's going to leave me. I love him, so much. If he leaves me...I don't even want to think about it."

The guys looked guilty and sympathetic at the same time.

"I...I understand. And I know I should have handled that better. I'm just sick of all of us fighting. We're not only best friends, we're a band. And if we're going to get signed one day, we can't have all this drama going on." Jaime sighed.

"'re right. I and Tony need to work things out..." Mike said quietly.

Tony looked up in shock as Mike stood.

"Come on, let's go talk this out." Mike said, leading Tony upstairs to Jaime's room.

I stared up at Jaime and he frowned, leaning down to hug me.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry too..." He said.

"I'm gonna tell him, Hime. Monday. And then I'm going to admit that I love him in front of everyone. You're right, he shouldn't be treated like a dirty little secret...and I shouldn't keep dirty secrets either."

Jaime patted my back.

"I'm proud of you man. I'm sure he'll understand."

I nodded, smiling suddenly. I looked up at Jaime and smirked deviously, making him smirk back.

"You know...they're pretty quiet up there. You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Hell yeah." Jaime agreed.

We both tiptoed up the stairs to Jaime's room, quietly pushing open the door. I slapped a hand over my mouth and tried to hold back a gasp at what I saw.

Mike had Tony pinned to the bed, both of their shirts were off, and they were heavily making out. And I'm sure that in a matter of minutes, their pants would be off as well. Jaime looked like he was about to yell at them but I slapped a hand over his mouth as well and pulled him away from the door, dragging him downstairs.

We both sat on the living room floor, laughing out off. Oh my God! I knew that they liked each other! But holy shit, I didn't expect them to move that fast!

I heard a moan from upstairs and I and Jaime both stopped laughing.


I buried my face into the couch to keep from laughing out loud. Oh this is too good, I'm NEVER letting Mike live this down. I looked at Jaime who was pouting, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I-I don't know what's funnier, the fact that they got together so fast or that they're fuc.king in your bed." I laughed, barely able to catch my breath.

"Oh ha-ha, very funny. You know, maybe next time you and Kellin give each other hand jobs in the janitor's closet I'll video it and send it to your mom."

I stopped laughing, sitting up and looking at him with wide eyes.

"How'd you know about that?"

He smirked and laughed.

"Really? I saw him pull you to the janitor's closet, it didn't take a genius to know what you two were doing in there."

I blushed and it was Jaime's turn to laugh.

"Shut up."

I finally felt like our little 'group' was back together once again.

Author's Note:

Another update! For no apparent reason!


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