5: New day

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Sakura's POV:

I woke up at around 4 a.m. to prepare for the day ahead and my kids' breakfast and bento box for practice. I took a quick shower first and then got into an oversized shirt and boxers and then went out to the kitchen to finally prepare their breakfast and bento boxes. I was preparing the ingredients I needed when Tomi groggily went out of her room followed by Nako.

"Good morning, Saku Okan." Both chorused.

"Good morning, kids. Get ready for the day, I'll be serving your breakfast by the time you finish getting ready." I replied to them.

"Saku Okan, can't we stay home today?" Nako asked whining.

"No, Nako-chan. We can't. It's only our second day. C'mon, go and take a bath, you too Tomi, use the bathroom in my room." I replied to Nako with a tone of finallity.

I heard a groan from Nako, but otherwise, she started to walk back to her room. Tomi gave me a hug, since I was taller than her, she tip toes and places a kiss on my jaw.

"Saku Okan, how did you sleep? No more nightmares right?" Tomi asked me.

I could only smile at Tomi and her thoughtfulness. I haven't had a nightmare in the last 3 days.

"No, no more nightmares, thank you for checking Hi-chan. Now hurry along, breakfast will be served in a wee bit."

Tomi lets go of her hug and enters her room, I heard her open the door and then close, then a few seconds later, her room door opens again, then closes, then my room's door opened and closed. Tomi is the sweetest among my AKB48 and HKT48 Kids, a little more matured than Nako, Tomi was also more like my friend rather than my child, she understands me better than Matsui Jurina and Murashige Anna. Most of all, she wasn't a traitor to me, she's the most honest friend I had in my stay with HKT48, AKB48 and KIV.

Last night, as Chaeyeon took me to her secret roof top and told me about the hard times she had, well at least the surface of it and as she taught me how to speak basic Korean, she asked me what's my story. I didn't have the heart to tell her yet. Although there had been press speculations that involved both Matsui and Murashige, that wasn't the case. It was far more darker than the press thinks. Far more sinister and heartbreaking. I used to love being an HKT48 and AKB48 member, but now that the truth was out, about two of my trusted friends being traitors, I honestly wanted to erase that part of me, erase my fame and start over again, here at WM Entertainment in Korea.

Soon, I finished cooking their breakfast of Pork Shogayaki, Scrambled Eggs, Vegetable Tempura, Fried Shirataki Rice and last night's Buda Jjigae. For their Bento, I prepared Stir-Fried Shirataki Noodles with Pork and Vegetables, Chicken Karaage and some steamed vegetables on the side for Lunch, for snacks I made potato pancakes, I made One for Nako, One for Hitomi, One for me and One for Chaeyeon as I promised last night. Apart from groceries, I bought four bento boxes complete with chopsticks and a sfork. The dorm was already equipped with induction stove, plates, spoons, fork, chopsticks, drinking glasses, mugs, pans, pots, cooking utensils of all sorts.

After I served their breakfast, I quickly got into my room to put on my jogging pants and changed into my sports bra for practice. It was pointless to be in a T-Shirt as I sweat easily, even if it was cold. I just put on a thin pull over sweater and brought my small sized duffel bag and went back to the dining area and joined my two kids for breakfast. I ate my breakfast of Banana Clusters and Milk. Then afterwards, packed my duffel bag with the lunch and snacks I prepared for Chaeyeon and I, then gave the kids their bento boxes. Before living for the company, both kids brushed their teeth as I did too. Both volunteered to wash the dishes, so I left them in the kitchen sink, washing everything.

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