44: Final Performance

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Chaeyeon's POV:

It was our final performance for the entire five day affair with MAMA '18 we were all tired by the back-to-back performances we've been having over the last five days. Akihabara, Tokyo was such a tease, staying at the hotel, it excited everyone for our impending trip to Kagoshima Prefecture, birthplace of their mother, Kura-chan. Everyone was hyped and couldn't wait to finish tonight's schedule. We're performing first today with another extended play La Vie en Rose this one was remixed especially for MAMA '18 again the VTRs were shot back in Korea, showing all our triumphs as trainees. It was crazy how Kura-chan looks at the VTR, she looked soft and the last part she was looking back towards me and waiting for me to approach her while the rest of us runs to her to join her upfront. Then after that VTR plays, La Vie en Rose the remix will start playing. We are atop some moving boxes. Kura-chan flanked center Wonyoung to the right. Though this was the case, she was still star of the song.

The choreography I did was meant to showcase her beauty, it just so happened that there were four visuals in the team. We also had a prop we will be using by the end of the song, a red hanky that we will use for our ending choreography. We worked hard for this day, we ultimately skipped today's rehearsals because our kids are looking dead tired already. It was honestly the least thing I could do for them after they've worked hard through out the last two months since we've debuted and got the nomination. We've been monitoring fans' comments and views on the practice video we've put out for MAMA '18, we've received excited comments, some overly hyped, I must admit, but it put the whole group at ease, knowing we're putting our best foot forward coming into MAMA '18.

I looked at everyone being their chaotic selves, despite us sharing a room with the forty eight group who were looking distressed with all the chaos our group's been causing, Yena and Yujin alone is a chaotic duo, like the god of destruction and war, imagine all eleven arguing to themselves, it'd be so exhausting. Sakura was giggling at the others, while Kwangbae had her head over Kura-chan's shoulders being her quiet self. Unamused about the others being so noisy and rowdy. Looking a tad bit bored at the team's antics. Currently half of the team were playing the mafia game, save for the three of us who only looked at everyone in the room silently. Until Minju came to get Kura-chan to play with them, she indulged the kids, Kwangbae Hyung and I declined them. Minju volunteered to facilitate the game, since she loses anyway pretty fast. Everyone gangs up on Minju on a round of mafia, always suspecting her to be the mafia when she would either be the police, doctor or an innocent citizen.

JoYuriZ to be specific were the ones who always targets Minju for elimination if one of them were the mafia. So, Minju being the sensible woman that she is, opts to facilitate the game, being narrator of the mafia game. Kwangbae puts her head on my shoulders, I was two inches taller than Kwangbae Hyung, so it felt natural to me, unlike Yujin who was WTC Tower One or Wonyoung who was WTC Tower Two. The two twin towers were always clingy to everyone in the team. Sensing a sigh from Kwangbae, I looked down to her as she looked up to me. I offered her an encouraging smile. I raised an eyebrow to her, which told her to spill the beans she's been keeping to herself.

"How do you know you'll be accepted by your parents?" She asked me, her eyes looking afar, going through Minju as if the kid was invisible.

"Hyung? Me? You know my parents are supportive. They support whatever and whoever I do." I chuckled at the last statement.

"But seriously, how do you do it?" She asked me again.

"Hyung, tell me honestly, do you even see yourself with her?" I asked her.

"I do. I see myself with her in the future, near and far." She replied to me.

"How does that feel Hyung?" I asked her again.

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