Chapter three

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I woke up laying on my back looking up at a sky filled with stars that felt incredibly close. I didn't see the moon, but I could see its light off to my side. Wanting desperately to see it I turned my head.

Instead of seeing the moon I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The moons soft but radiant glow was coming from her. Immediately I knew, and my eyes filled with tears, this was the Moon Goddess.

She had heard my pleas and granted me my freedom and the others wish to be rid of me.

Carefully I sat up and she came to me. "Hello Artemis" she said in the sweetest voice I've ever heard.

"Hello Moon Goddess, thankyou for accepting me," I said and my tears fell.

"I will always welcome all of my children, but I'm afraid you have more to accomplish back on earth. Do you feel up to the task?" She asked me patiently.

"What do you wish of me?" I asked curious.

"One of my children has lost his other half to those that hunt and kill those that are mine. He has begged me for guidance on how he should keep his people safe." She says with a thoughtful look.

"Do you wish me to train his people to fight?" I ask.

Remember how I told you my parents had been warriors? Well they taught me everything they knew and I learned well.

"Yes, but more than that I want you both to heal each others hearts. I have given you the ability to shift into a wolf, but you are now one complete soul.

Also you will look different than you used to be, your hair is now a silvery blue and your eyes are a deep blue. When you shift your fur will be a Silvery white and your eyes will be like looking into a galaxy of stars." She says with a smile on her face.

"Are those the only changes?" I ask intrigued by this.

"Physically speaking your body will be of similar proportions but much stronger. Are you alright with that?" She asks worried.

"Yes, but will he really want me as his mate?" I ask worried that things will turn out the same as before.

"Yes, his heart is hurt but ready to love. I wouldn't entrust you to just anyone, so off you go my child.....till we meet again."

With her words still echoing in my mind I look around to see I'm in a forest that I don't recognize and I'm not alone.

Before me stands a man that looks like he was sculpted by an art god. Handsome is an understatement, just looking at him makes my heart pound and I really want to touch him.

He has bronze skin, dark hair that is straight and slightly long. His eyes are a honey brown that's drawing me in.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" He asks in a deep voice laced with concern.

"My name is Artemis and the Moon Goddess has sent me to help you," I say honestly and he looks up at the moon then back at me.

"I didn't think my request for guidance would come in the form of a woman," he says.

Holding out my hand I step towards him, "it's nice to meet you."

The moment he takes my hand I feel sparks and we look into each others eyes and together we say "Mate." I dont know if he sensed that I was afraid of rejection or something but he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

Pulling back he said the most wonderful words I've heard.

"I, Zeke Danifal Alpha of Moon Rising Pack accept you as my mate and Luna."

Crying happy tears I say, "I, Artemis reborn wolf warrior of the Moon Goddess accept you Zeke as my mate and Alpha."

We begin to kiss again which quickly becomes heated and we begin the mating process.

This time I know no pain only pleasure. We spent the night learning each others bodies passionately. The mate bond strengthening binding us together.

In the morning, I wake to the warmth of my mate holding me gently to his side. I study his face as he sleeps, he has long lashes that sweep against his cheek bones. His lips are well proportioned and so kissable.

He has stubble shadowing his jaw that if allowed to grow would make him even more irresistible. Fighting the urge to caress his cheek I'm surprised when his hand moves to my bottom and he lifts me onto him.

I gasp as he fills me once again, "I'm going to make us more relaxed before taking you home with me." He says in his gruff morning voice making me moan my pleasure.

"That's my new favorite sound," he says kissing my neck while thrusting into me slowly making my toes curl. He's bigger than Blaze and still has never hurt me.

The forest is filled with my moans and gasps and his grunts and groans. When we came we did it together.

When my breathing returned to normal I kissed the mark I gave him last night and he shivered beneath me. "Hmm remind me later I need to thank the Goddess for you," he says then kisses the mark he gave me. I shivered as well feeling amazing sparks all throughout my body.

"Zeke will the pack accept me? This is all very sudden, what if they object? Also I was sent to help train everyone what if they resent me?" I ask feeling unsure.

"Artemis you said you are a reborn wolf, who hurt you? Why are you so afraid we will reject you?" Zeke asks.

Curling into his lap I tell him about what happened before the Goddess took me away. About my parents, my old Alpha and Luna. About their son who I refuse to ever call my first mate again. And finally about my wolf who wished to have a different human since I was "too weak" for her.

He listen to me, growling when I mentioned Blaze and how he treated me. He and his wolf also were angry at my wolf for not loving me like she should have even though I loved her.

Zeke's wolf, Hail let me know he was jealous that even though Blaze didn't love me his wolf had.

"He has my old wolf, you have me now Hail. The Goddess told me I'm a complete soul, so you and Zeke are mine and I am yours," I told them and we kissed.

Zeke broke away when he heard someone approaching, quickly moving me behind him and growling out "who's there!"

A man carrying a spare shirt and shorts came into view, "dude it's just me what's got you all growly this mor- who's that?" He stops moving and begins trying to peek at me making Zeke growl again.

"Toss me the clothes and turn around!"

"Fine here," the guy says and turns. "Hi lady do you mind telling me who you are, since my Alpha ignored me?"

"Shut up Bell" Zeke says making me giggle as he puts the shirt over my head before putting on his shorts.

"Oh come on," Bell whines.

I giggled again because Zeke rolls his eyes at me. "Fine turn around, Bell meet your new Luna.. my mate Artemis, Artemis this is my annoying little brother and Beta Bellion."

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