Chapter twenty two

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Things here have been going well, I still miss Walker but I'm happy he and Dajaa are doing well. I don't know how I know that, but I do. It's just a strong feeling I get when I stop and think of him.

My baby brother has been growing like a weed lately, my mom said that he's growing faster than I did. It worries me a bit, I mean is that normal? So in order to alleviate some of my concerns I've been trying to look at old records and werewolf medical journals. I know this is probably not what the Moon Goddess had in mind when she said to keep an eye on him, but I don't want to dismiss it and have it bite us in the tail later. Not that I still have mine.

"Excuse me Mr. Blaze?"

I look up from the notebook I have been reading for the past ten minutes to see a young wolf at the door.

"Yes did you need something?" I ask curiously as they begin to fidget.

"I'm sorry to bug you Sir but this was left for you at the gates," he says softly reaching behind him outside the door.

"I wasn't expecting anything," I say confused as I walk over to him.

"Yeah I doubt you or anyone else would be expecting this," he says lifting up a basket and handing it to me.

Perplexed I open it to find a small baby, "what tha.. whose baby is this?" I look up at him shocked.

"Well according to this letter she is yours sir," he says handing me the letter. "Sorry sir but I have to get back to patrol now," he says turning away like he cant get away fast enough from the awkward situation.

Taking the sleeping baby in the basket and the letter with me I go back to my work table. I start reading the letter and feel the blood draining from my face.


Hey yeah I was preggers when I left you, I'm almost positive this munchkin is yours. But I don't want kids and my man doesn't want her either. Especially because she looks like you. If you dont want her I'm sure you can find her a good home. Have fun! oh yeah, I named her rosey because she has a birthmark on her thigh that looks like a rose.


You've got to be fucking kidding me! What the fuck is wrong with her?! Who the fuck just abandons their child like that?!

Before I can really get into flipping the fuck out Rosey let's out a little whimper. Looking into the basket I see her look up at me.
She is beautiful, but I can already tell that she's probably not biologically mine. But I noticed that along with the letter there is a birth certificate and I'm named the father.

So naturally I do the only thing that I can, "hi Rosey.. I'm your daddy, I'm so happy to meet you. Let's go get you checked out to make sure you're ok." I say this with a calm soft voice as I gently lift her out of the basket. She is so tiny, but according to her birth certificate she is three months old now.

It doesn't matter to me that she isn't biologically mine, from now on she is my daughter. I will protect her and raise her as if she is. "I promise to always love you, and take care of you. You will never feel unloved by me, and your uncle will help protect you too." I talk to her as I head for the medical wing.

She watches me silently studying my face, just as I go to open the door she smiles and my heart is filled with love. To be honest I didn't think I would ever get the chance to be a dad. Now even though the circumstances are not ideal, I get that chance.

I send up a thankyou to the Moon Goddess for allowing me this opportunity to raise Rosey. Then heading on in we get her checked out. I'm happy to know she is in good health, despite being on the small side.

We did also confirm that she isn't biologically mine. Though I knew that was a strong possibility it hurts a bit. Also knowing that I contact our legal counsel to make sure that, that horrible woman can't ever take Rosey away from me.

"Blaze you know you dont have to raise her, because she isn't really yours," the doctor says and I glare at her.

"She is now, I'm not going to abandon her. I think of it as fate or a second chance to have a family. Seriously mostly I see this as the Moon Goddess giving me a chance at fatherhood. So yes, I will raise Rosey as part of our pack," I say picking up my sleeping angel.

"So it's TRUE you have a child?" I turn to my parents and I'm trying to figure out the look they are giving me.

"Can we meet your little one?" My mom asks surprising me with tears in her eyes.

I gently hand her over, "this is my daughter Rosey."

"Is she really yours son?" My dad says skeptically and I give him the answer I gave the doctor, really the only one that matters.

"She is now, and I've been named as her father on her birth certificate. All that matters now is that she is loved and healthy. Since the doc here has given her a clean bill of health I say she's good to go, because I love her." I declare and my parents look proud.

"Then she is officially part of this pack, welcome to the family sweet girl," my dad says then kisses her head making her coo.

Her hair is still wispy and barely visible but it kinda looks red, like her egg grower, I refuse to call that woman a mother. "Her eyes are such a pretty green," my mother says and I nod. My eyes are blue and Amy's are a blue/ grey color. That was my first tipoff.

"She does I'm going to have a hell of a time when she's older keeping the boys at bay, I can already feel it," I say and my parents and the doctor at my back start laughing.

"Thank goodness we had boys," my dad says and mom laughs.

"You better knock on wood that mom doesn't get pregnant anymore then," I say and dad looks at her making her laugh harder.

I take rosey because mom's sudden outburst startled her making her cry, "its ok sweetheart, daddy is here." I pat her back gently as I cradle her against my chest.

"Come dear let's set up our grandbaby's room for Blaze so he can bond some more with his baby," my mom says taking dad's hand and I smile at her eagerness.

I never thought I could be so happy or feel so complete after everything that has happened. But I do, and I will forever be thankful for the little life that has been given to me. Even if she just made me a huge surprise, from the sound of it.

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