Chapter fifteen

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Walker's POV

Blaze has finally reached the point where he is now on stable ground, he is eating, sleeping, and showering at normal intervals again. Also he's been getting back in the gym building his strength.

He's also been working with the warriors, training the newbies, and helping out with his baby brother.

I heard him talking to him the other day while rocking him cause he was a bit fussy.

"Hey little man it's alright mom just needs a nap, she's not feeling good. Since we have time I want to talk to you, I want you to know that I'm here for you. That if you ever need anything, I will be there.

I don't want you to be how I was before, I was the biggest jerk. I took people who love me for granted. I lost my mate because I was cruel, selfish, and she deserved better than that, everyone does.

I miss her, every day... I wonder if I hadn't been such a... if I had realized just how much I needed her and how lucky I was.


But I didn't, and I don't want you to ever have to know the pain, the loss, emptiness, and shame I felt after she was gone.

So don't ever be how I was, be how I will be from now on.... No be better than I could ever be! Ok lil bro?"

He's been a model big brother, really doing his best for the little man. Connor is lucky to have Blaze at his back.

Now that he's doing good Dajaa wants to start searching for Artemis. I do too it's just... what if we leave and Blaze relapses?

Sighing I rest my head on my paws, I've been laying down in the living room observing everyone else. Blaze sits with Connor on the floor showing him how to build towers with his blocks. Every time they fall Connor cracks up laughing making everyone else smile.

Sensing my worry Blaze links me:

"What's the matter buddy?"

- Nothing

"You're a shitty liar, always have been. Now I'll ask again what is going on?"

- Dajaa and I want to take a trip before we have pups. I just don't want to leave you alone is all... I'll miss you too much.

"Dude it's ok, I'm ok. Besides I'll be here if and when you decide to come back. And I love you too Walker, it's ok to want ALONE time with your woman."

I let out a wolfy laugh.

- it's the first time we will be so far apart... it's kinda unnerving to think about.

"True but I know you'll be able to handle it, you're the baddest mofo around!"

- did you seriously just say mofo?

"Shut up, you get what I mean!"

He's right I do, I need to suck it up and stop being a wimp.

"When do you plan to go?"

- probably next week, I dont know yet

"Ok just tell me before you go so I can see you off ok?"

- gotcha

"You do know it's ok to be happy with or without me right? I would never begrudge you that."

- yeah it's just

"I'm going to be good dude, I've been doing better I can handle it I promise! So please don't feel obligated to stay because of me!"

- ok fine I'll stop being mopey

"Good cause my brother wants to play with you and I got ta piss!"

- gross dude, I don't need to know that shit

"Oh I might have to do that too!"

- get the fuck out of here!

Laughing Blaze stands bringing Connor over to me. I lick his face and he rubs it in my soft fur. Soon he curls into my side and falls asleep.

Dajaa walks over to us and lays down on Connor's other side so incase he rolls over he doesn't go far.

He fusses in his sleep a little and she rubs his back with her nose till he quiets down.

Blaze comes back a few minutes later his mom behind him.

"Sorry I took so long"

- it's fine he's sleeping

"Awe look at you guys you look so cute let me get a picture," mom says taking out her phone.

Blaze sits next to me and smiles for the picture, I also give a wolfy grin that makes mom giggle.

Dajaa- so did you guys talk about the trip?

- yeah he didn't want me to feel bad about it, he says he's in a good place now.

Dajaa- when did you say we were going?

- I suggested next week but that I wasn't sure.

Dajaa- you didn't say why right?

- seriously?

Dajaa- just checking

I roll my eyes.

- I love you but don't make me bite your tail

She flicks me with her tail.

Dajaa- No hanky panky next to the baby!

"Hey you two no hungry eyes when the baby is between you," Blaze whispers and I hit him with my tail making him laugh.

- do you want us to go to your room?

"Hell no! Take a spare room"

- that way we can leave you our scent, we can roll all over your bed if you want.

The look he gives me is priceless making me let out a wolfy laugh.

Dajaa- do I even want to know?

We shake our heads and she rolls her eyes.

Dajaa- boys

She huffs but I can tell she's amused by us. She not the only one either I look over at mom and dad, and they are looking at Blaze like they used to before everything got all fucked up.

- everyone Dajaa and I are going on a trip next week and I just wanted to let you guys know ahead of time.

Dad- "are you guys sure that's a good idea?"

"Dad, it's their life. It's going to be ok," Blaze says.

As if to prove his point Dajaa and my forehead start to glow. When the glow is gone we both have crescent moons on our heads.

"I think the Goddess just gave her approval," Blaze says leaning forward to rub my forehead.

- I think so too.

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