chapter thirty one

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I kick the door open and the girl jumps a foot in the air as both turn to me. The first thing I noticed was that she isn't Macy but a woman close to my age. Relief and dissapoint hit in equal measure but they dont linger long.

The next thing to catch my eyes was the two necklaces with matching stones around his neck. One notablely bigger than the other. The bastard reduced half his family to stones! Rage fills me at the cruelty this poor excuse of a man has shown.

"Run!" I growl to the girl and she scurries away as he takes the opportunity to lunge out at me from his tub.

"DIE!" he snarls with his claws aiming for my throat.

Using his momentum while avoiding his hands, I flip him over my head and slash out with my own claws.

I try grabbing the chains around his neck but he kicks me hard. I'm sent flying back into the bedroom. I crash into a junk loaded dresser top, leaving me momentarily stunned. I manage to just barely dodge his fist as it flies at my face in the next moment. Not waiting a second I lash out again, though this time not letting my anger rule my judgment.

Losing focus will get me killed, losing this fight will kill everyone else. I can't afford to be overly emotional now. With that in mind I clear my thoughts and become hyper aware and focused on my surroundings and opponent.

Despite how quickly he moves he looks off balance. His punch earlier was still surprisingly strong. He has a wiry build with what looks like no meat on him. I wonder if he is using the power of the stones. Is that how he is able to hit and move as well as he does?

"Are you just going to stare at me? No you came for some action!" He rushes me with a sinister smile but I remain composed blocking his punches and evading his kicks.

"The Goddess has sent me to punish you for your wrong doings." I say in a quiet but firm tone.

"The Goddess can kiss my ass!" He spits.

"You will regret your words!" I say in a voice that doesn't sound like mine as I'm filled with a bright white light.

I'm not sure how I know how to use the power or if it's really me, but I blast him in the face blinding him long enough to slash his throat as I grab the chains yanking them free.

He begins to choke on his own blood grabbing at his neck as he falls to the floor. My work here is done...or so I thought. Just as I go to leave there is a flash of red light behind me.

No. How?!

Spinning on my heel I regain my fighting stance as I watch in, otherwise fascinated, horror. As his neck rebuilds itself quickly infront of me.


"You didn't really believe that I wouldn't have other stones with me did you?"

Seeing as he's completely naked, I really don't want to think of where the other stones are. Gross doesn't begin to cover it.

"I guess I'll just have to try harder to kill you then," I answer.

It appears that I will have to kill him repeatedly if I hope to make any headway. Goddess guide my steps and help me to not falter.

Wyatt POV

Is it really ok to leave the nice lady? I don't want daddy to hurt her like Mommy, but if I stay....
I shiver at the thought of being the one to cause her to get hurt.

Taking my time to sneak back down the hall I haven't gotten very far. I came back because I forgot my special box with things my Mommy and Macy gave me. When I went to leave again the clunkers were coming out of the rooms to jump out from the windows.

Maybe I should use the stone now?
I was about to use it when Abby came running down the hall. Abby is Mommy's cousin, Macy and I think of her as a older sister.

"Abby!" I step out of my hiding spot when she got close enough that I wouldn't have to yell.

"Oh my Goddess Wy!" She skids to a stop and grabs me in a tight hug. "We have to go honey it's not safe! We need to get out of here while we have the chance!" She says while lifting me up.

I hold my box between us as she runs us down the stairs. At the bottom she turns for the survice entrance on the side instead of running out the front.

"Abby the nice lady said to head out of the walls. She said she had friends who can help us out there." I whisper as we head outside.

"Wy we'll get caught, they will see us before we can get to the gate." She says while trying to find us a safe place to hide.

"No they wont! She gave me this," I say holding out the stone as I activate it's spell.

"What did that just do?!" She says then she gasps, "omg we're invisible where did she get this?"

"I don't know but we should go right?" I ask tilting my head and Abby starts running again. "Look," I point at a hole in the wall and Abby runs faster.

"Say bye to this place Wy cause we're not coming back!" Abby says as we leave through the wall, I look back at what used to be our home.

"Goodbye Mommy.. *sniff sniff* bye bye Macy," I start to cry so I put my face in Abby's neck.

I miss my Mommy and Macy, I hate Daddy for taking them from me. Abby's right I don't want to come back here. There are way more bad memories than good ones. Most of my memories from here are of being hurt and locked in a cage.

"Over here!"

I look up to see a lady calling us over, but how does she see us?

"Its ok I'm friends with the lovely people who are currently liberating you all," she says with a smile. "My name is Tilly and I'm the one who made the stone you guys are using, that's why I know you are there. It's ok you are safe now my friends will make sure those bad people will not be able to hurt you guys ever again."

I deactivate the spell and Abby sinks to the ground crying "thankyou Goddess...*sniff sob* thankyou!"

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