Chapter five

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We walk for another fifteen minutes before we can finally see the house. It's the Alpha's House, it is five minutes away from the Packhouse the guys told me, true enough I can see the packhouse in the distance.

Not all packs do that though, some make it so that everyone lives together in the packhouse and some pack's packhouse is basically just used as a meeting hall, no two packs act the same.

My new home is three stories from what I can see made of some kind of white stone. Even so it gives a warm homey feel, usually you would think cold because of the exterior but not here.

The landscaping is kinda bland though without flowers, maybe I can get the guys to let me plant some in the future.

"So what do you think?" Zeke asks me and they both look at me.

"It's beautiful, it feels like home and I'm not even inside yet, but can I plant flowers?" I ask with hopeful eyes.

The guys laugh, "yes love you can plant whatever you want," Zeke says hugging me.

"Not cactus though please! I ran into one in wolf form once when I was little so not a fan," Bell says wincing at the thought of his old injury.

"Alright no cactus that will attack Bell got it!" I say and Zeke starts chuckling at the look on his brother's face.

"What?" I ask innocently and Bell just huffs and keeps walking to the house making Zeke laugh louder.

"I'm not afraid of cactus.... I just don't like them," Bell grumbles opening the door.

"I didn't say you were," I smile walking in behind him.

"That's true Bell, YOU said it though," Zeke says closing the door behind him.

"Shut up Z!" Bell yells over his shoulder as he goes into the kitchen making Zeke laugh at him.

"Ok ok let's stop teasing your brother before he decides not to feed us," I say making my stomach growl again.

"I can always cook," Zeke shrugs and Bell starts laughing making Zeke glare.

"Cereal is not cooking Z," Bell says rolling his eyes.

"Shut up Bellion, I can do more than cereal," Zeke says annoyed.

"Without burning it or completely setting it on fire?" Bell challenges crossing his arms.

"That was one time, and you're the one who told me to do it," Zeke fires back.

As funny as they are I'm hungry and decide to scavenge for myself, as they continue bickering I put a simple meal of ham and Turkey sandwiches together for the three of us.

"Ok you two stop fighting and eat," I say putting their plates on the counter.

They both turn to me looking at me with a how the hell did that happen look. Walking past them I go sit at the dining table by the window. I dig into my sandwich chewing happily as the guys join me.

"Thanks, thankyou" they both say and I nod since my mouth is full.

"Hmm this is good," Bell says around a mouthful.

I nod glad they both seem to like it.

"So when are you going to introduce Artemis to the pack?" Bell asks when he's done eating.

I look at Zeke and he says, "tomarrow I want her to myself for at least another day before I have to share her attention with everyone."

"And her Luna ceremony?" Bell prompts Zeke.

Turning to me he asks, "how do you feel about on the next full moon?"

"What do I have to do," I ask nervously.

"We go before everyone under the light of the full moon, we ask for the blessing of the Goddess and we bind our hands together with red ribbon after we combine our blood.

Essentially we are also getting married does that bother you?" Zeke asks and I smile.

"Not at all!" Truthfully after what happened with Blaze I never though I would get asked.

"It's said that the Goddess truly blesses the union if a silvery white ribbon appears to bind our souls together for eternity," Zeke says.

"Well we know she'll be pleased," I giggle. Curious I ask, "so has this silvery white ribbon ever appeared before?"

"Umm... I think it happened with the very first Alpha and Luna, just as the moon was rising that's how we got our pack name.

The first Luna was half witch, so some pack members didn't think that they should be together. With the blessing of the Moon Goddess though their protests stopped.

The Alphas and Lunas since then have had almost like a thin chain around them since then. The only time there was nothing was when our enemies tried to force the ruling Alpha to mate with the daughter of their ruler. She used an alchemist's potion to brainwash him into taking her over his mate. When it came time for that part in the ceremony not only did the Goddess not bless them but she restored his memories.

The girl ran but was killed by rogues on her way back. Her father blamed our pack, saying it was our pack's fault that she died." He says and shakes his head.

"But she was in a sense poisoning the Alpha," I say and Zeke shrugs.

"He still blamed us, our packs have had bad blood since then. It's been three hundred years and they still haven't let it go." Bell says rolling his eyes.

"They vowed to destroy us and have been picking off anyone unlucky enough to get caught alone," Zeke's eyes shine with anger, remembering those they have lossed.

"I will train our people so they will not go down easily, and hopefully not at all," I say taking Zeke's hand.

"Are you really that good a fighter? I have my doubts you're just so small." Bell smirks at me.

"Do you wish to test me then?" I ask gearing myself up to kick his ass.

"Not in just a shirt you're not!" Zeke says getting up. "Come on I'll get you some of my shorts," grabbing my hand he leads me up the stairs to his room.

His room is on third floor, the walls are a cream color. Heavy hunter green drapes cover the windows. The room is big but not overly so. His furniture is made of a dark color wood. The room itself is clean and uncluttered, very spartan.

While I've been looking around he went to his dresser and pulled out some gym shorts. "Here put these on please," he says handing them to me and I obliged. I also tied the shirt to make it fit better.

"Should I be worried about Bell?" Zeke asks me smiling.

"Hopefully I won't hurt his pride too much," I say winking at him as I walk out to kick Bell's ass.

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