Chapter twelve

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"OH COME ON!" I complain while smacking Zeke's ass, and a fine pair of buns he has. I probably should have thought twice about hitting said ass as mine was in his immediate striking range.

*SLAP* "No way and ruin the surprise?" He says after smackin my ass hard making me yelp.

I contemplated pinching his butt this time but his next words stop me. "If you do it I'll make you cum while I'm carrying you over my shoulder. Don't worry no one else will see, cause no one else is here."

Quickly I take in my surroundings and realize that he's right, I haven't been paying attention to our surroundings at all.

We're back where we first met.

Setting me on my feet I look around then back at Zeke to find him down on one knee.

"Artemis I brought you here today because this is where I met you, and you changed my life. I was dreading the start of each day, and restless each night.

When I had begged the Goddess to help me to give me guidance. In my heart I wish for hope, then out of a moon beam she sent you to me.

I look forward to the future now and all it holds because of you. You make my existence worth something, and I know you're frustrated with me about your ceremony..." he says making me laugh.

"But I want it to be special for us, it's not just you becoming Luna, but essentially us getting married." He reaches into his pocket.

"On that note will you Artemis, take me as your husband? Not just because you're Luna but because you love me?" He pulls out a beautiful ring, a platinum band set with rubies and diamonds.

I didn't realize that I had started to cry till he wiped my tears, "these are happy tears right?" He asks nervously judging from his voice.

"Yes, and yes I'll marry you!" I give a small laugh and nod my head.

Sliding on my ring he tells me that the inside says forever on it. He then hugs me lifting me off the ground. "Thankyou baby, Goddess I love you Artemis!"

We ended up re-living how we spent our first night together amongst the trees. It truly is our special place, full of spicy/lovely memories.

When he head back Bell is pacing the kitchen. "Where the hell were you two? I was worried you haven't been answering me Z!" He says huffing at us.

I feel bad about worrying him but Zeke says, " you were the one saying you didn't want to accidentally sit in my juices, so we were having a private moment elsewhere."

Both Bell and I turn instantly red making Zeke laugh. He then whispers into my ear, "I love making you flushed, turns me on!"

"OMFG! STOP THAT! LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE WHEN YOU'RE IN FRONT OF ME!!!" Bell yells at Zeke while covering his eyes.

Giggling at the situation, I take in his appearance and I sober at how he looks like he's been panicking.

"What's wrong Bell? What happened?" I ask and Zeke stops laughing.

"Nothing... it's just I... ok I was worried that you got taken or killed. The last time I couldn't reach someone I cared for they had been killed. It just brought up bad memories is all." He says not meeting our eyes.

Without another word Zeke goes and hugs his brother. I think our pack is going to need therapy for PTSD after we have peace once again. I would suggest it now but something tells me they won't be ready to hear it.

"So what did you make for dinner tonight?" Zeke asks Bell while slapping him on the back.

"Spaghetti and cheesey garlic bread, but I'm not sure you deserve it," he pouts.

"Hey we are celebrating tonight though!" Zeke says moving for the food.

At Bell's confused look I hold up my left hand and he gets the biggest smile. "So you're going to make it official not just because you have to?"

"I love your brother and he makes me happy," I say smiling.

"Man all this lovey-dovey stuff makes me want my mate!" He says with a small smile on his face.

Zeke beams his huge smile at me as he claps his brother on the back, "don't worry It'll happen when you least expect it." With his nugget of wisdom said he starts grabbing food.

"I guess," Bell sighs and goes to get plates.

"This smells really good Bell," I say loading my plate with food.

"But how does it taste?" Zeke says looking at his brother wiggling his eyebrows as he sits at the table.

"Shut up and eat you dork," Bell says sitting down across from his brother.

"Do I look like a whale penis to you?" Zeke says pointing his fork at his brother, while I roll my eyes at them.

Bringing my loaded plate to the table I begin eating ignoring the devolved conversation next to me. The food is delicious, and I'm really hungry so I happily munch on my food as they banter back and forth.

I'm so happy for the life I have, not that I didn't love people from my life before. It's just now I'm... I don't know the right word but the feeling is a good one. I thank the Goddess for sending me to my mate, even as he is having a silly conversation with his brother.

Blaze's POV

I'm basically a human now, it's lonely not having Walker in my head. I understand why the Goddess did this to us but it also makes me wonder. When I eventually pass on will I be able to join all my loved ones in the eternal forest? Or will I be turned away?

Don't get me wrong I don't plan on dieing any time soon, not anymore atleast. It's just I worry about what awaits me.

After she separated my wolf and I, he and his mate have been keeping an eye on me. He has always been a worrier, and given our circumstances I dont blame him.

However I dont want to hold them back from living there life, so I must find a purpose. Not being able to think of a single thing I do the only thing I can think of.

"Dear Moon Goddess please help me, I know I have been a sorry disappointment to you but please guide me down the right path." I pray.

An answer is not immediately given to me, not that I really expected one. Sighing I get into bed falling asleep, when my dream begins I'm in a moonlit area I dont recognize and before me is the Moon Goddess I'm sure of it.

Kneeling down I thank her for her allowing me to see her.

"Come we've much to discuss," she says leading me to some chairs, hopefully she can show me the path I must now walk.

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