Chapter 3

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On the way home I stopped by Taco Bell to get something to eat since it was just me and Taz. Mama had to work late and I don't know where TJ was but it was noodles at the house with his name on it.

I ate, took a shower, then cut the TV on in me and Taz room. It's now 11:30 and this Lil boy ain't made it home yet. Me and Taz have called him a total of 12 times, no answer.

Ugh, I don't wanna do this but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

"Hello" I heard the voice on the other end moan as if they were sleep.

"Hey Carla, sorry to bother you but have you heard from Kalil?" I'm just ready to hear what she got to say.

"Umm, no now that you mention it. He hasn't called me back. Why?" she said. Now either she was just sleepy or she was sick cause she normally would have an attitude. Or maybe she was just being friendly. No new friends though girl.

"Okay, well I know they had football practice and I know TJ was supposed to get a ride home from Kalil but he hasn't come home yet or answered my phone calls." I said hoping she cared a bit.

"This nigga, I swear. Hold on I'm finna call him. Stay on the line." she said. I guess they were on bad terms....but that's none of my business.

"Hey, Tanisha you there?" I heard her say after some time.

"Yeah I'm here. You get anything?" I asked with hope of something.

"Ummm...Well I called Kalil and he didn't answer so I called his mama and.." she paused.

"And?"I asked impatiently.

"She said he was okay but.."she said

"But What?" I asked cutting her off again.

"Well he's at the hospital because one of the boys he was with got shot." she mumbled.

Lord, please don't let this be my brother. Just keep him for a little bit longer Lord. I know he don't know you like I know you but Lord please bring him through this and I'll make sure he will.


I heard Carla still talking on the other end but I just tuned her out. I got myself together and just asked her if she would ride with me up there. She agreed surprisingly with no hesitation so I told Taz she didn't have to go. She wasn't hearing that though. I called Lay Lay and she said she'll be up there too.

We get up to the hospital and head to SICU. We got to the waiting room to see DJ, KG, Thomas, and some more of their teammates.

Thank you God. Me and Taz ran over to him and smothered him. Through all of the commotion and ruckus we made loving on TJ we didn't even notice someone was missing.

"Where is Desmond?" I asked Thomas. He didn't even lift his head.

"TJ, where the hell is Desmond?" I asked punching him in his shoulder. "Man get off of me, he back there." he grunted out.

"Oh he back there visiting yall friend right?" Carla asked.

"No dumb ass, he is the friend." said Jason, another teammate, who was now standing up in Carla's face.

"Hold up now, 1st off you gonna have respect for this facility your in called a hospital, then your gonna have respect for these people in the facility, and lastly your gonna have respect for this young lady." Lay Lay said walking in on the end of the conversation. "Now what in the world is going on in here? And why is Tommy out here sitting all fine?" she asked, looking confused.

"Lala." I said patiently. "TJ wasn't shot."
"Oh for real? I didn't notice, but thank God anyway." She blurted out sarcastically.
"No Lala listen, it was Des..." I tried again.

My heart dropped to see her fall into my arms. "I wanna see him." she mumbled into my shoulder. "Okay baby, we'll go together." I said holding her hand.

We walked from the waiting room to the Intensive Care Unit where he was under watch. I really didn't wanna see Des like this because he was like a brother to me. I've known him longer than I've known Lala. But I had to do it for my sister because she had no one else to be there for her.

She could barely look at him and it broke my heart even more. Whenever there was a problem between them, I was the one to solve it but I couldn't solve this one, not this time. My shirt, drenched in both her tears and mine. Mascara formed rivers down both of our faces. This wasn't healthy. I picked her up off of me and told her it was time to go.

We went back and sat in the waiting room for a while to get the story down packed. I knew my brother, and I knew he wasnt one to entertain any of the bull shit that comes with DJ. Turns out they wasnt with DJ. And it was some gang banging nigga that shot him up.

It was a damn cop. A motherfucking pig.

Lala wanted to stay at the hospital but I told her no. And like hell was I letting her drive either. I told DJ to pick up her car and bring it by my house cause that's where she was staying for the night.

We just layed there in my room as she cried into my pillow. Lord knows I hope D Man make its through this.

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