Chapter 21

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"Can I get a 12 piece hot w/ a strawberry milkshake?" I ordered, handing the cashier my card. I went and sat down with the team because we had just finished taking pictures for the yearbook.

"Bruh tell these niggas they not finna win no ship without me on they team." Cam, our defensive tackle said talking about the basketball team.

"Cam shut yo fat ass up. Yeen hooped for no team since we was in middle school. Sorry ass barely got pt then, yo ass couldn't even make water boy now." I said straight jawnin his stupid ass.

"Whatever nigga, just know y'all ain't getting one of these hoes right here." He said, flashing his ring in Marcus, one of the basketball players face.

"Get that shit out my face nigga." He said slapping his hand out his face. "Don't forget we was only 5 away from getting our own last year."

Me and Marcus go back too. Not like me and Des but close enough. Des and Marcus don't get along too much though. Me and Marcus shared the same struggle, had to get this shit on our own. Marcus think Des was spoon fed since he live with both his mama and his dad and they family got a lil money. Truth is they wasn't always like that, they was just smart with they money. Plus Des big brother used to run with Donnell and when he died he left his mama a couple k's and that's how she got her restaurant off the the ground. But even before all that they still made sure me and my moms was straight and took me under they wing.

"Aye nigga ain't that ya girl?" Cam asked talking bout Tanisha.


That's my everything right there and she won't even let me talk to her. My kid, my baby mama, my whole future.

She sitting over there with my old hoe...confusing right. I'm still stuck on how the hell they became friends. But all I can think about is becoming the father mine was and I'm not going for that. My pops left my ass when I was 7 so it ain't like Ian know who he was or what was going on. But even with him being in the house, he was never there, for me at least. By time he come home, I'm supposed to be sleep but I wasn't. He come in eat, drink a couple beers, fuck my mama, and be gone by time I wake up.

Only time I guess I got to spend time with him is on the weekends when I didn't have to go to bed so early. Him and his friends would be sitting on the porch and I'd be right along with them. They telling stories from work and back when they was in high school. Some shit about the old Haywood. How they'll fuck anybody up that come at them disrespectful. They just about gone off 40's so by this time, they starting to talk about how they be fuckin on some young broads they meet at the bar and stop clubs. But by this time my moms a come and snatch me up tellin me to come in the house and get ready for bed.

By the time all his friends ended up leaving, I'd be in the bed waiting on him. But one time he came in the house hollering and calling for my mama. "Keisha!! Where ya at woman?! I done told you bout interrupting me and my boy time!" He yelled. "Shut the hell up Richard, the boy in there sleep." She shushed him. "Shut the hell up? Who the hell you talking to woman?! I'm trying to teach that boy how to be a man!" He went on. They argued all night then I heard my mama scream... next thing I know, my pops come in there and hand me a chrome 45 glock. He told me don't ever let nobody disrespect me...then he left. Not too long after, my moms came in with a bruise on her face and I tried to hide to gun so she would t take it. She just held me crying till I fell asleep. That was the last I ever seen or heard of my old man. Guess he was teaching me how to be a man.

I saw Tanisha and Carla heading for the door so I hopped up and tried to get her attention. She turned around saying some shit. I could tell she wasn't trying to hear nothing I had to say but I was determined for her to hear me out.

She agreed so we get in my truck and I try to ease into what I really got to say by asking about my daughter. I never get to see Tanisha unless we at school an even then she blow me off. I don't even know where I went wrong. I just be trying to look out for my future family and make sure they aight. She don't be appreciating it though. So I just gave up...

I asked about the baby then she started getting defensive talking bout is that the only person I see. She always start this selfish shit. She started going on and on and after a while I just said fuck this shit. Before I knew it, I started bucking on her. It sounded like I was letting all my anger out but I really wasn't. I still had a lot more left in me. But I was tired of letting her have it.

"Man get the fuck outta my car." I said getting out the truck to help her down. Even though I was mad, I drive a big ass truck and I couldn't risk her or the baby getting hurt.

I sped off cause I needed to get my mind off that shit for a while.

I drove over to the lake house to clear my mind up. I fired me up two and started skipping a couple rocks, then my phone rang...

"Hey mama."


"I'm on my way."

I hopped in my truck and sped to the hospital.

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