Chapter 11

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We pulled up to the spot and DJ was out there too posted up with some more niggas looking like they was up to no good.

"Ooooo...who is that shawty right" "Yeah man that ass is right" "on my mama she can get it fam"

These were just some of the things the dudes was saying as Toya got out the car.

"Aye fool, chill out that my blood." DJ said told them and they quickly turned back to whatever they were doing.

"Wassup baby girl?" He said before pulling her in for a hug.

"Mhmm, getcha Lil dusty niggas." She said while hugging him back.

"I'm Finna head inside and get TJ." I said walking away from them.

Me and Lala walked in and guess what? All eyes on yours truly.

"Damn I must look good or some" I wanted to say to them but I kept it to myself.

We walked over to where we saw TJ and some of the players sitting at. "Hey, mama said she wanna talk to all of us." I said with everyone's eyes still glued on me.

"Damn, forreal? Right now." He nagged.

"Yes nigga, get home black ass up and come on before I...." I said before being interrupted.

"Beat his ass?" Jason laughed before everybody else started cooing and laughing.

"Damn yall saw that?" I asked stupidly.

"Hell yeah, wasn't nobody in the game but special teams. Everybody saw it. I didn't know you had that in you." Jason said still laughing.

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me." I smirked before walking away.

"Damn.." I heard him mumble.

I was on my way to the car when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.

"What do you want? Haven't you caused enough trouble? Why aren't you with your girlfriend?" I could've kept going but I've already told him I'm not one to waste my time.

"Well for starters, I just wanted to talk. Second, that's what I want to talk about. And three, I thought I was but I see how it is." He said trying to slide that in there.

"Kalil I told you I didn't want anything to do with you until you finish things off with that girl." I said letting him know that I meant it.

"Tanisha I did break it off. I'm all yours girl. Forreal." He said. "Now can we talk?"

" Umm..sure, I'd like that." I said still at a lost for words. "But I have to get home, my moms need us for some."

"I'll ride with you then" he said opening the door before attempting to climb up the door step.

We heard a whistle.

It was from DJ and he was shaking his head and moving his finger in a circular motion.

DJ and Diego do not get along. They not even in the same business. DJ don't do nothing but rob niggas and sell hot goods. Diego is a drug dealer. Make more money in a day than DJ probably make on average in a week. DJ claimed that once Diego started hanging on the block then he took all his business but he refuse to do that drug shit cause it gets you killed most of the time and I don't blame him.

"Ummm...well i'll just pick you up afterwards and we can go from there." He said.

"Sounds cool." I replied before getting in the Tahoe and riding off.

We pulled up to the house and all filed in the house. Mama was sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea and waiting on us.

"Hey mama," Toya said kissing her on the cheek. "Everything okay?"

Her reply had to be meant to corrupt all of our minds and demolish out of our hearts. It was do painful to hear such combination of words.

"Well babies I reckon not no easier way to put it, your mamas got cancer."

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