Chapter One

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After Bradley left, things started to fall apart, both for me and for The Morning Show. We met before she left, but that doesn't matter anymore, in fact it does. She made the decision to live with Laura away from here and I can't stand it. But I have another big concern now: my tv show, it can't end like this.
- Cory, please listen to me!! Not accepted, there has to be a solution, it always worked, why wouldn't it work now?
- Now it's different! There is no more sponsorship, the public is in the mud, we are in the mud, Alex!!! Accept that the program is over.
Cory has tears in his eyes, his position at the UBA is also under threat and I know he loves his job. No, I will never accept that the TV show ends. Being alone on that bench is horrible and I should agree to the end, but I feel we still have a lot to do.
- What if we tried some journalist who is not American, but has a familiar face in America?
He looked at me suspiciously, but seemed to like the idea because he smiled at the time.
- Did you think of someone?
- No, but you're good at it, bring the best to sit beside me on that bench and then we'll solve the rest.
I got home, took a bath and opened a bottle of wine. It's Friday and I deserve it after so much stress these days. I drank a bottle, two, three... I picked up my phone, looked at her number and called and to my surprise she answered.
- Alex ?? Hi.
- Hi Bradley, I'm calling you to see how you are.
Her voice, how good to hear her voice!
- You are drunk? Oh my God...
-  How are you?
- I am fine, thanks! You cannot say the same.
- No, I can not. I look terrible! The show is about to end, Cory is almost on the street and... you abandoned me Bradley Jackson!!!
Why? Why did I have to say she abandoned me? Damn, now it looks like I'm suffering from it!
- Alex, no...
- Shhhhhh... I don't want explanations! Goodbye Bradley and be happy in your married life. Send your love to Laura. Oh, one more thing: she doesn't deserve you!! Now, goodbye.
I was already dizzy, I was going to open my fifth bottle, but I gave up because it's late and also because I'm not old enough for this crazy stuff. My phone rang three times: Bradley calling me. I won't answer, I have to go on with my life and for that I need to break relations with her.

I woke up on the couch with a horrible headache and it feels like a train passed over my body. Why did I drink like this? On my cell phone, a message: "I miss you, I'm sorry. I don't want things to end like this, please."
I just ignored it and went to make a strong coffee, when I got another notification, but this time it was Cory who had sent me some photos and a file from several journalists around the world. After reviewing them all, I called Cory.
- Is that all you have?
- Good morning to you too Alex, I'm fine, thank you. That's what we...
- I didn't like any of them, I didn't feel absolutely anything about them and the résumés didn't impress me. Look for another one!
- But Alex... I...
- Cory, have your way! Today is my rest day and I have my head exploding, we talk Monday, bye.
I look at the notifications bar and another message: "Are you really going to pretend we don't know each other? Are you going to ignore me? And the meeting we had before I left, that you can never forget!"
My headache increased by 100% after this message, I need to get this over with, I'll call and put a stop to this.
- Listen Bradley stop texting me, don't call me, please! You made a decision, you abandoned everything, you abandoned me and I can't handle it.
- Alex doesn't talk like that, it seems I don't care about you! Our last meeting...
- STOP, I don't want to talk about it. We better stop here, thanks for the bad times and the good ones too.
- No Alex, please. I was so confused.
- You chose to go with her Bradley, even after that day you talk so much about. I shouldn't have called you yesterday, I don't even remember what I said, but never mind. I will continue my work and my life here, it was nice to meet you. Take care and be happy.
Tears fell on my face unintentionally, but that's the best thing to do. I heard Bradley cry on the other side and that hurt more than anything else.
- This isn't the last time we'll talk, I know not. Me...
Laura's voice asking who she's talking to echoed, Bradley hung up and it was for the best.


- We already have someone, since Wednesday, but you'll only know who it is when he gets here and it's no use trying to get something out of me.
It had been many days. Bradley didn't give any more sign, we looked for many journalists, but nothing pleased and now Cory comes to me with this one, he deceived me!
- What??
- That's it! It will land in New York in 3 days.
I will soon have a new partner. Who doesn't matter, what matters is that he helps save The Morning Show.
- I'm so excited, look...
I raised my arms smiling discreetly and waved my hands in the middle of a meeting. It was a pathetic scene.
- Let the mysterious man come to save my life and my job!
I left that room with a feeling I can't explain, but it's not a bad thing. It feels like I took a load off my back, I feel that the TV show is going to live its best phase.

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