Chapter Sixteen

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I'm in the hospital waiting room, they took Robert inside and said I have to wait here. I told Bradley I'm here and what happened, but I found her response very strange.
"I can't believe it's horrible. Alex, I can't talk right now, as soon as I can I'll be with you."
I can not talk now? What? Wasn't she the one with me all the time? I just needed someone here with me right now, to back me up! Take a deep breath Alex, breathe. I leaned back on the couch and slid my body so that he was stretched out and my hands rested on my forehead. I heard Bradley's voice and she appeared in the waiting room.
- Alex, hey Chloé called me and told me what happened, my God I'm shocked! How is he?
Bradley hugged me and I cried, I just wish it was a nightmare to wake up to.
- I don't know, they didn't come to tell me anything! He fired 3 shots and was barely breathing, that's all I know. He's almost dead. I've been waiting 40 minutes.
- Any idea who might have done this?
- Yes, but it could have been anyone. I can't accuse anyone without proof...
- Clear.
A doctor came to talk to me, his face is not good.
- Hi, are you Robert Beaumont's date?
-Yes, Alex Levy is his girlfriend and Bradley is a friend.
- Nice to meet you in person, I'm Dr. John, it's a shame that we're getting to know each other under these circumstances. Well, I came to update you on his status and... It's delicate, it's extremely delicate. The shot in the face is the "least worrisome" because the bullet broke the jaw but didn't lodge. Now the others...
- What is it, doctor? Say it all at once, I can take it!
Bradley hugged me and rested her head on mine and that brought me a great calm.
- The shot in the back took the spinal cord, an extremely delicate place. The chances of him becoming paraplegic are great. And the shot in the chest took a part of the heart and he needed to be intubated and in both cases he needs surgery to remove the bullets and they are two delicate surgeries, very delicate. The bullet in the column is lodged in a very difficult place, hence the high risk.
He could be paralyzed, Robert could lose leg movement!
- Are you going to save Robert's life? If the answer is yes, then do it Doctor!!
- I need you to sign an authorization, the heart surgery is open chest and very long. Want to talk to someone first? Does he have a family?
- The daughter. I have to call her.
I called Chloé and said everything the doctor told me and she just said...
- What are you waiting for to sign? Save my father's life!!!
- Where is this authorization?
- I'll ask them to do it and bring it here in 2 minutes.
He left and I collapsed on the couch, I'm trying to look as strong as possible but it's hard.
- I'm here with you, he'll be fine!!!
- Thank you for being here!
The doctor came back very quickly with the clipboard and papers and I immediately signed.
- Here, now save the love of my life!
- Let's do everything we can. These surgeries will be long, approximately 8 hours.
- Take as long as you need, just bring him back please!
This nightmare cannot be happening to me! I waited so long to get out of that clinic and now I'm inside the hospital with Robert fighting for his life.
- Alex, you need to clean up, take a shower, change your clothes. You're all bloody, even your hair. I stay here and tell Chloé to come while you go home and stay with Marie too. I'll call you if I have any advances.
- Marie, I'll have to tell!


I got home, took off those dirty clothes. I turned on the shower, washed my hair, dried it, changed into a super comfy sweat suit and white sneakers. I went back to the living room and Marie is here with Chloé.
- Hi love, come here baby!
Smiling Marie came running to hug me and I held her in my lap.
- I'll go, get some rest Alex. Bye Marie, I love you.
- I love you too.
When Chloé left, I looked for something to do with Marie and we ended up staying on the couch watching the cartoon.
- Daddy's where?
My heart froze and I thought of what to say.
- Do you remember when I went to the clinic for the doctor to take care of me? So, daddy is also in the hospital and the doctor is taking care of him too. He's been sleeping a lot now.
- Did daddy get sick?
- Yes.
- But he's coming home soon!
- Yes he will go!
We ended up taking a nap and I needed it to renew my strength.

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