Chapter Ten

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Since the day of the party, I just went out to talk to Robert, never again. I only see Alex on TV, it's the only way to alleviate the need his absence brings me. I hadn't heard from her until now because Robert texted me: “Alex is not doing well, I found out she's mutilating herself and we found the best clinic in the US. We came to see her and are waiting to speak with the psychiatrist. . more serious than I thought. Any news I'll let you know."
My heart almost came out of my mouth like Alex was cutting himself and going to a clinic? I hope this moment is good for her and that she can be happy again.
"I'm shocked by this, but I just want her to be okay and she will be. Thanks for letting me know."


This is the best clinic in the US according to Robert's research. And this place is huge, it feels like a resort and not a clinic. It has a huge garden full of trees and flowers, a small pond with ducklings and when we go in we let them know that I have an appointment with the psychiatrist. He said my name and I waited until he called me. When we called they asked a lot of questions, so this doctor, who also owns the clinic, already knows a lot about my condition.
- Alexandra Levy?
- Yes it's me.
I started to shake and got nervous to go inside. Robert walked over and took my hand.
- Do not be afraid petit, remember that you are here to be well. And I will be here, waiting for you. Tell the doctor everything, he'll help you.
- Just thinking that I'll be alone in this place, I get terrified.
- You will not be alone, petit. There are many professionals here and hospitalized people, you will be very well taken care of.
- Thank you for everything you have done for me, I love you.
- I love you too petit, a lot. Now you need to get in, you're strong and you can beat it!
I gave Robert a big hug, went in and closed the door.
- Good morning, Alex. Sit here please.
He pointed to the chair across from me and I sat down.
- Hello doctor.
- Alex, you don't need to be scared or scared. Here you feel at home. We try to make our patients happy here. It has to be a fresh start and not a punishment.
- Okay, good to hear that.
He looked at the papers in his hands.
We talked for a long time, I cried a lot, a lot, sobbing. those usual symptoms and I started scratching my arms and legs with my nails and got all scarred, full of welts on my arms and legs. I couldn't look at the doctor, I turned my head all the time, I looked up and down, side to side and felt short of breath.
- Alex, here you will have all the support you need. Here you will undergo psychiatric therapy and follow-up, a nutritionist, you will have your own room, there are several activities during the day where you can choose what to do. As I already told you, you will feel good here.
- I just want to stop feeling all this bad, doctor. How long will I be here?
- Initially, 20 days and we will monitor its evolution. Any more questions?
- Yes, will I be able to receive visitors?
- Friday is visiting day.
- I understood. I am ready to start.
He called one of the nurses who will take me to the ward where people with the same problems as mine are and when I left I found Robert and jumped on his lap, hugging him.
- You'll be fine and we'll face it together and I'll be here to see you, right? There won't even be time to miss you. Dedicate yourself as much as possible to your treatment and you will soon be home again.
- Yes I will.
Robert took off the scarf he's been wearing and wrapped it around my neck.
- Keep it and whenever you miss me you have my perfume with you. I love you, petit.
- I love you too!!!
I went along with the nurse and we arrived in the room. She told me that I can circulate whenever I want and everywhere, I can also go to daily activities that start at 6:00 and finish at 9:00.
- If you need anything, just press this button and you are monitored 24 hours a day, for security reasons.
- Thank you.
The nurse left me alone, I went to take a shower and change into more comfortable clothes. I put Robert's scarf back on and looked at a paper on the wall with all the activities to see if I would fit in any of them: sewing, music, crafts, painting, cooking... There are many options and I never thought I would say that , but these 5 interest me and that's where I go.


It's been 5 days since Alex was hospitalized and Robert said that he can only visit her on Friday. He's doing the show himself and it looks like things are going wrong. The audience dropped and Alex left without any explanation. And Robert called me again to talk. What does he want this time?

I'm inside Robert's office and this time I didn't cover myself completely, I came in with a clean face.
- How are you Bradley?
- Fine thanks. You?
- I haven't slept well for days because of Alex. But the show has to go on, Alex is being very well taken care of and I called you here to talk about work.
- Sorry I do not understand.
- You must know that The Morning Show is doing very poorly since Alex "disappeared". I've been thinking of some people to stay by my side while Alex doesn't come back...
- And came to a conclusion?
- Yes, I already have someone.
- That's great! And who is it?
- You, Bradley. Nobody knows The Morning Show like you do, the audience loves you and you look like The Morning Show! You accept?
Which?? Robert wants me to do TMS with him? I'm in shock, didn't expect this.
- Oh my God!!
- Then?
I thought fast and hope I don't regret it. But I put a condition.
- What it is?
- Bring Mia back! If she comes back, I'll come back.
- That's it? Okay, she comes back! You start tomorrow and sign your contract tomorrow.
- I'll be here, boss!!
And I thought I'd never step on The Morning Show again, I'll be back on the bench tomorrow and next to Alex's boyfriend. That this works for him and for me.

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