Chapter Seventeen

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It's been hours since the doctor said the surgeries would last and so far he hasn't come here. I realize I'm shaking and nervous, I can't control it. Bradley noticed and took my hand.
- Alex, the doctor said that the surgeries are very delicate. It must be lasting longer than they thought.
I lay down on Bradley's lap and she patted my head. Having her support right now is wonderful.
- He'll be fine, trust and have faith!
At that moment the doctor came with another one and I can't decipher if his face has a good look or not. We both got to our feet.
- Doctor, how were the surgeries?
- Well, this is Doctor Edward orthopedic surgeon, he was the one who performed Robert's spinal surgery and he will be able to explain.
I greeted him with a handshake.
- Hi. The surgery was a lot more complicated than I thought, the shot hit the marrow and it's a very dangerous place to move. And because of the location of the bullet... There's no way he couldn't have been paralyzed and we were able to remove the bullet.
- Is Robert paralyzed? OH MY GOD!!!!
Even though I knew this was a very big possibility, I wanted to believe it wasn't, but it happened.
- We managed to take the bullet from the heart too, it was difficult but it worked. Now let's keep track of how it will react in the next 48 hours. He remains intubated and in the ICU. You can go see him now.
- But he'll be fine, won't he?
- Anything can happen I won't lie, but I'm quite optimistic. He is a strong and healthy man, he has great chances.
- My God, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Bradley and I had a big hug and I went to see Robert. I had to put on all special clothing, shoe protectors, gloves, cap and mask to avoid any kind of contamination. When I walked in and saw Robert in that state I lost the strength in my legs and then I thought about Marie. She lost her mother, she can't be without her father and I can't either. He needs me more than ever and I need him. I walked over and started talking to him.
- Hey my love I'm Alex, I'm here.
I pulled out the chair and sat beside his gurney.
- I was with Marie yesterday and she is getting smarter and more beautiful every day. Do you believe that yesterday she said she wants to be like you and me and I asked her what she meant and she said she wants to work in TV. She loves a photo, camera, microphone. We took a lot of pictures this morning and I posted them on social media. By the way, people say they love you, okay? There are thousands of people waiting for you to come back, besides us. Bradley is here all the time and worried about you.
I saw a tear fall from Robert's eye and I wiped the tear away and kissed his forehead.
- I love you very very much!
The doctor said I can't stay here too long, so I gave Robert another kiss on the forehead...
- I'll be back later, okay my love? I will be out there all the time!
I left and went back to reception and Bradley was talking on the phone. He couldn't hear what and who she was talking to and I don't even have to know. She saw that I came back and hung up the phone.
- Have you been here long?
- Just arrived.
- And then?
- It was great to be with him. Despite the circumstances I was happy to see him.


Robert is fighting for his life and he will win, I know he will. I got a completely unexpected call, I can't believe I heard this one after so long and we're meeting tonight.
- Alex, I have an appointment tonight. I'll have to go away, is there a problem? If you don't want to, I won't.
- Bradley, go ahead. Feel free! Go to your quiet appointment.
- He is sure?
- Of course!
- I don't want to leave you alone here Alex...
- Will you stop treating me like a child? I'm fine, ok? Stay in peace.
- Okay, I'm coming... BUT, if you need anything, call me or send a message and I'll be back running!
- Yes...


I left the hospital to meet the person and honestly, I don't know if I should be doing this, but I'm already here and now I'm going to the end. I arrived and they told me I could go straight up, I stopped in front of the door and stayed like that for a few minutes and knocked but no one opened, knocked again and nothing. I put my hand on the knob and the door is open, so I go inside. I was shocked because the place is a huge mess, there are clothes all over the place, glass, plate, whiskey bottle, plate and he's lying on the floor as if he's beaten and that's what it looks like.
- Oh my God Cory, what happened here? Get up, come here with me, get up!
He looked at me, held my hand tightly to get up and when he was standing he hugged me.
- You came!!! I thought it was going to leave me forever like everyone else always does. Am I that insignificant and insufferable, Bradley?
- No, you are not. Not for me.
- You know Bradley, you're the only person I loved, I love and I will truly love for the rest of my life.
We stare at each other for a moment, eye to eye and I feel something I can't control. We are very close to each other, our faces are getting closer and it happened, we kissed. I'm in a mix of feelings and sensations, it's weird but it's good, we're friends but that's not all.
- What are we doing Cory?
- What we should have done a long time ago!
I didn't pull away, didn't retort or think it was bad. Why not give it a try?

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