Chapter Eight

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I wake up and my head feels like it's going to explode. My phone keeps dropping notifications, what happened? I'll have my breakfast while I look at the messages. There are several news talking about me. I froze when I saw the headlines: "BRADLEY JACKSON TAKES ALEX LEVY OUT OF THE CLOSET: DRUNK AND IN LOVE, WATCH THE VIDEO"
I clicked on that one and played the video. God, I've never felt so ashamed in my life. What did I do? I don't remember any of this. Alex will hate me for the rest of her life.
How am I going to get out on the street now? I don't even have the courage for that. How is Alex doing? Hating me forever, that's for sure.
My phone rang, it's an unknown number but I answered it.
- Hello?
- Hello, Bradley Jackson?
- It is me.
- It's Chloé Beaumont who's talking, assistant, producer and daughter of Robert. He wants to talk to you today. Can you come to UBA?
What? Robert wants a meeting with me? What face am I going to look like there?
- Yes, what time?
- Is 11:00 okay for you?
- I will be there.
Chloé was in a very serious tone, I know she's going to hit me with a bomb. What did I want after that embarrassment I gave?


Last night was horrible and I thought it would be happy night. I took two sleeping pills and blacked out. Robert spent the night here and this morning he said he needed to solve something very important at the UBA, but that if I needed anything I would call and he would come running back. Marie is here with me, because Chloé is with him. I was the one who asked to leave Marie with me, she distracts me and does me a lot of good. I've looked at myself in the mirror and I'm torn apart inside and out, my face is horrible and so is my heart.
- Aunt Alex?
That voice so thin and sweet, brought me a discreet smile.
- Yes, sweetie?
- Do not cry, you are very nice and very beautiful and I love you.
She caressed my face with those little hands and a little bit of all that pain disappeared.
- I love you too baby. It's just that sometimes we adults have problems.
- I don't want to be an adult.
- It will take a long time for you to be an adult, really.
- That girl at the party yesterday, she did something ugly, didn't she, Aunt Alex?
I wonder if she's talking about who I was thinking.
- What girl Marie?
- The one who said he loves you, who was singing.
I held back the cry so I wouldn't do this in front of her, she doesn't have to go through this.
- Yes, she did something ugly. But forget about it.
Me asking her to forget being that I won't. I needed a few minutes alone.
- Stay here, I'll go to the room and be right back, right?
She gave a thumbs-up sign and so did I. She gave a huge smile, a smile that made me smile too.
I got to my room and cried. I can't take it anymore, everything. I went to the bathroom, looked around and up. I opened the cabinet and there were several razor blades. I took it in my hand and didn't think, I just rubbed it over my arm several times. I saw my arm all bruised and bleeding cuts and it gave me such relief, the pain in my skin, soothed the pain in my soul. I cleaned the bathroom sink, washed my face, put on a long-sleeved shirt, and walked back into the living room. Marie got up from the floor where she was sitting with pens and crayons, I bent down and she hugged me.
- I thought I was asleep, Aunt Alex.
I laughed for the first time in so long.
- No, sweetie, I just... I was just in the bathroom. Sorry it took so long.
- Look what I have done!!
She is holding a sheet of paper in her hand. It is a drawing. I held her in my lap and we sat in the armchair.
- Who are these people?
- Those two are daddy and you. This one on Dad's side is Chloé and here on her side it's me. It's my family.
She lay on my chest and was smiling. It was inevitable not to smile either, Marie is a lovely little girl and very smart. Robert told me she is a child prodigy.
- Dad said I'm going to a new school next week.
- This is really cool!! And are you excited?
- Yes, a lot!!
The two of us were watching cartoons on TV, eating popcorn, having lunch together and for a moment, I forgot about everything that hurts and makes me suffer so much.


I arrived at the UBA door all covered in such embarrassment I'm feeling. Sunglasses, full body clothing and a cap. I passed straight and walking fast without talking to anyone. I arrived in front of Robert's room and Chloé was there talking to her father's secretary and she saw me.
- Bradley??
- Hello...
- She has a meeting with my dad now. Can you go let him know she's here?
- Yes of course.
The secretary left and we were alone there and I was in a cold sweat from the meeting with Robert.
- So Bradley, good luck with my dad.
GOOD LUCK? Oh my God.
- You can go in now, Miss Bradley.
I took a deep breath, excused them and went inside. Robert fiddled with his phone and I got up the courage to speak.
- Good morning, Robert.
He lifted his head and tucked his phone into his pocket.
- Good morning Bradley, please have a seat.
It wasn't a friendly tone at all. Of course, what did you want Bradley? That he would welcome you with a hug?
- Look Robert, before you say anything, let me speak please?
- Do you still want to talk? Okay, speak up, I hear you.
- I want to apologize for the shame I put you through, for having ruined your party...
-Bradley I didn't call you here to talk about any party, for you to try to redeem yourself with me.
- Not?
- Of course not. I want all of this to go to hell. I called you here to talk about Alex.
I should have guessed he wanted to talk about her, but this is going to be weird.
- Like?
- That's what you heard. I want to know what happened between you and why she got to this stage!!
I told him everything he wanted to know, but it was very difficult.
- After the release of Alex's book ended, we went to my house...
I took a water break because my mouth and throat were dry.
- Come on Bradley, keep going!!!
- Are you sure?
- Let me tell you something Bradley. Alex is the love of my life and she is in deep sadness, anxiety, panic and yesterday was a bad night for her. Once again she had a severe crisis after all you've done and that wasn't the only one. After you left her house that day too and I can't stand to see the woman I love in that situation, I grieve with her.
I didn't imagine the situation was that serious and it killed me inside. Alex is sick because of me and I will never forgive myself for that.
- We had... our first kiss that day, but then she took my phone and heard an audio where I said horrible things about her. She got sick, passed out and had a nervous breakdown that day, we had a big fight and that's all.
Robert looked at me nodding his head and a face of "and you say that calmly?"
- Yesterday you said you love Alex...
- And I really love you, not everything I said, even if I was drunk, it was true, every word was real.
- I won't be here wasting time, I'll go straight to the point: STAY AWAY FROM ALEX! Did you understand? You make her suffer a lot, she is in an extremely difficult and delicate situation because of her! And I believe that after yesterday, she doesn't want to see you anymore
He was already on his feet, bracing his hands on the table and very angry.
"Alex doesn't want to see you ever again" It was a stab in my chest, a smack. Nothing Robert told me hurt more than that. But if I love Alex, I need to get away so she gets better so she can try to forgive me one day.
- Right, you're right. What I most want is for Alex to be well and happy. And I know you make her happy and you'll take care of her.
Robert sat back down and faced me.
- Thank you for understand. Love is often painful Bradley and I understand that a lot, more than you think and I don't want to be her enemy.
- We don't have to be enemies. I understand you.
- That's good.
- I... I... can I ask you something?
- Yes
- Can you give me news about Alex's condition? Only once in a while?
Robert looked thoughtful, fiddled with his phone and looked at me.
- All right, I'll let you know. You can see in her eyes that you really care about her.
- Yes, more than with anyone else.
Robert stood up and reached out to me and I shook his hand.
- Thank you Roberte sorry for everything.
He didn't say anything and I left. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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