Chapter Fifteen

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It's been 3 days since Alex left the clinic, but until then we hadn't spoken until she texted me this morning.
"I don't know if you know, I left the clinic. I didn't tell you before because I'm having some problems there, but we need to talk. Can you tomorrow?"
Alex wants to see me and asks me if I can? Does she think there's a chance I might say no?
"Alex my God how long! Of course I can where?"
"At the usual restaurant! See you there 🤍"
After all this time, I'm going to find my Alex again.

I couldn't even sleep well, I woke up several times today because I'm going to see Alex today. It's so late that I woke up just in time to find her. I jumped out of bed, went to take a shower and get ready to go out.
I grabbed my bag and went, my heart pounding, it feels like I'm meeting Alex for the first time and that's almost it. I arrived at the restaurant door, got out of the car, took a deep breath and went inside. I said that Alex Levy was waiting for me and the guy took me to her, who is sitting on her back, and I kept looking and asked, pointing at her, if it was really that one and he told me yes. I couldn't believe it, even with her back she's someone else. We got closer, he got out and left me there with my legs shaking.
- Alexandra Levy?
She lifted her head, I was still behind her, I stood up and looked at me smiling.
- Bradley Jackson!
Alex is more beautiful than ever. His hair is down to his waist, a platinum blonde and his clothes are all modern.
- OH MY GOD...
- You liked it? Her hair grew while I was at the clinic, the day before yesterday I rested and Chloé helped me with my clothes. When Robert saw me he made the same face you are doing now.
- You're prettier than you already were and your eyes are shining again, you're smiling and you changed your look!
- This is the new Alex! In and out. Won't you give me a hug?
I almost jumped on it. We held each other really tight after being apart for so long. We sat down and Alex told me everything she went through at the clinic and that she is writing a book about it.
- This is amazing! Do you know how many people will help with this?
- If I help 1 person I will be very happy.
- You will help thousands!! I missed you so much.
- Bradley I want to tell you that it's over, it's all over and I want to start over from scratch, rebuild our friendship.
- What I most want is you close to me, Alex.
- Me too, Bradley.
We smile and kiss each other's hands, this is our new beginning.


Marie is with her sister and Alex went to lunch with Bradley. I need this time alone, in 5 days I'll be in Paris in front of the police to tell you everything that happened on that day that ended my life. Alex made me love again and our reunion was the best thing that ever happened. Alex is so changed: is she safe, happy, caring about others and physically? He has huge, platinum hair, the clothes Chloé helped her buy. Today she sent me a picture when she left to meet Bradley, she was wearing a red sleeveless jumpsuit that fit her body and a black high heels. I got up to go to the wine bottle on the counter. I opened it, took the glass and poured myself. When I turned around, a person standing in front of me with a gun pointed at me with a silencer
- You? What that, put that gun down.
- Shut up and let's get this over with!
That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.


It's been 2 hours since Bradley and I have been here, laughing and reminiscing about old times, until the phone rings and it's Robert.
- Hey baby!!
- Miss Alex, it's me Peter, the gardener.
He can barely speak, he's stammering and crying.
- Hi Peter, hey breathe, stay calm and tell me why you have Robert's cell phone and calling me?
- Mrs. Alex, Mr. RoberRobertt...
- What happened, Peter??
- I... I went inside to ask to use the bathroom... and I found him fallen. He was shot Mrs Alex, he is around a pool of blood.
The glass of water in my hand shattered on the floor, I started to shiver. Bradley went to the bathroom a long time ago and didn't come back I wrote a note and left it on the table for her to see when she comes back, I can't wait.
- I'm going there! Does Chloe already know?
-She was told, but she is taking care of her little sister and asked you to come.
- I'll be here in 15 minutes!
I left the bill money there on the table and ran out, got in the car and when I arrived several police cars, an ambulance, the isolated house and a lot of curious people.
I ran to the front, but the police wouldn't let me in. I found Peter who was horrified.
- Mrs Alex, it was the worst scene I've seen in my life! One shot in the face, one in the back and one... In the chest.
He cried a lot and so did I. This can not be happening.
- NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!
My hands are on my head, I'm walking from one side to the other, until they came out with him.
- Robert, my love, don't do this to me, please don't do this to me!!!!
I hugged him, lifting him off the gurney and the paramedics and police trying to push me away.
- GET OUT!!!!! LET ME, LET ME ! Robert, I'm here my love, I'm here, it's me Alex, your Alex!!
- MS. Alex, calm down! You can go in the ambulance with him.
I accompanied Robert all the way inside the ambulance to the hospital holding his hand the entire time. His breathing is very short and very weak, but he is struggling. He's going to win because he went through a lot and was strong. Now it's no different and I won't settle down until they arrest whoever did this.


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