Chapter Five

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That moment has arrived and I can't run away anymore. I still can't believe she's here, sitting on this couch after so long, looking at me, not even blinking, it feels like it's the first time she's looked at me.
- Come on Bradley, don't you want to talk? I'm listening to you!
- Alex, I... I don't even know where to start.
- You want to talk about that day, so we'll talk about that day!

I think this was one of the saddest or saddest days of my life. It was my book launch day and obviously Bradley was there, handsome as ever. She was by my side when things fell apart, she didn't leave me for a second and it ended up causing problems for her and me. After I saw them all, I signed books, but someone was missing, Bradley. She handed me the book, was sad, I saw it in her eyes, but she smiled at me.
- Can Alex Levy's biggest fan get an autograph?
I smiled back at her back, wrote and handed the book to her.

"I don't know what I've done to deserve you and everything you've done for me, but thanks for being on my side 🤍 With all the love from Bradley Jackson's biggest fan, Alex Levy." When I read that, my heart was filled with joy. It was a bad day because Laura and I had a fight over Alex and we decided to take a break and that has been going on for many days. So I didn't think and just spoke.
- Can we go somewhere else, just you and me?
- We can, of course.
- My house?
- Why not? Let's go?
We both walked out of there, hugging each other, not caring what was around us. When we arrived at my house, we talked and drank wine, but we were super lucid, it was just a bottle.
- I'm very happy for you and proud too! You're amazing and deserve all the best, even though you think otherwise.
- Stop! I did everything wrong, I hurt people, I was self-centered and I only thought about myself.
She lowered her head like she was the worst person in the world, not daring to face me. I lifted her face again and those blue eyes were glowing at me.
- Hey, did you hear yourself? You said "I went", "I thought", in the past and now you're trying to be different...
I caressed Alex's face, we stared at each other for a few seconds, she smiled at me, I smiled at her. Our connection is amazing and I feel like we're connected for the rest of our lives, whatever.
- Bradley, I... I...
- Which?
- I want to ask your forgiveness for the bad things I told you, for not having given you the value you deserved. I went h...
I silenced Alex with a peck, which turned into a kiss. I can't explain in words everything I felt at that moment.
- I love you, don't you ever forget it?
- I love you too and I'll never forget.
I got up to go to the bathroom, got a notification and asked Alex to see it. It's an audio from Laura.

My feelings are very intense right now, did this really happen? I played that audio, like Bradley asked, even though I didn't want to. Before there was an audio of Bradley from 9 days ago (Laura just answered now) and I decided to listen to my misfortune.
"I'll never be with Alex, Laura!! Where did you get that? She's completely crazy and unbalanced. I don't want someone like that, she needs to go to a clinic to get treatment and be a normal person to live in society. .. She always knew everything and never did anything, on the contrary, she got involved with him too!!! How am I going to trust a person like that?"
I cried compulsively. Suddenly, I saw everything spin, everything was getting dark and I blacked out. It was a few seconds, that's what she said. When I woke up, Bradley was on my side, I was lying on the bed and I never thought seeing Bradley would cause so much pain.
- GET OUT OF ME, DON'T TOUCH ME!!! - I said, in tears - SO THIS IS WHAT YOU ALWAYS THOUGHT ABOUT ME? WAS ALL A SCAM? YOUR CONCERN ABOUT ME, YOUR LOVE... "You're tempting Alex"... "I love you, never forget that!" You should be an actress, you're in the wrong profession!
As I spoke I was crying more and more, compulsively, I was having a nervous breakdown.
- Alex, please listen...
- Shut up!!! Nothing you say will justify it. I'm going home. It will be easy for you to pretend I don't exist!! Goodbye!
Bradley grabbed me by the arm and I pulled back.
- I won't deny it, I said all that, but I wasn't well, I was hating the world.
- Of course and that's why he decided to destroy me!!! I'm going and don't even think about stopping me.
I walked out the door, got in the car and came home, with my heart in pieces, I was in pieces.


- Alex, I was horrible to you, I said horrible things, but I didn't know what I was talking about. I was overcome with rage, I had a fight with Laura. Forgive me, Alex, please!
- Look Bradley, that was the worst day of my life!! I spent days feeling bad, depressed, anxious, the breakdown was big. I needed to be medicated several times in many days. It is not that easy. Only I know, what I went through.
- I'm so sorry to have hurt you like this, I swear I didn't want Alex, I didn't.
Bradley cried and I didn't know how to react, I just said it was too hard for both of us.
- I don't know when I'll get over it, but we can live together civilly and professionally, if that's the case, for the good of all. I don't hate you, I love you and it can't be helped, but it still hurts, it hurts a lot.
- I love you too, but I'll respect your time. Sorry I came unannounced, I didn't want to get in the way.
- Didn't hurt Bradley at all. And thanks again for the roses.
- You're welcome bye.
When Bradley turned around, I hugged her from behind, not thinking. She rested her head against mine and I kissed her cheek.
- I think we took a step! It's already something.
- Glad you came, thank you.

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