Chapter Nineteen

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I'm in the waiting room and no Bradley arrives, the policeman arrived.
- Mrs Alexandra Levy?
- Yes? Hello.
- We came because we need to talk about the day of the crime.
- Right.
- Let's go to a more private room.
We were taken into a room, me, the boss and two other police officers.
- Well lady Alexandra, I have some questions to ask.
- I'm here to answer them.
- Where were you at the time the crime happened?
- I was having lunch with a friend. She left to go to the bathroom and my phone rang, it was the gardener and he told me what happened. I left a note because she wasn't coming back and ran away.
- Who is this friend?
- Bradley, Bradley Jackson.
- Didn't you think this delay of hers was strange?
- I did, but I didn't care so much after the news. What are you trying to say?
- We need to take her testimony. They already worked together and you two had a brief relationship, right?
- No, we didn't have a relationship. We're not there.
- Does Robert have enemies?
- As far as I know, there's only one.
I won't lie, I can't. This has to end once and for all.
- And who is it?
- A guy who hates him. He came here to collect a debt from him, he followed him everywhere. But I don't know his name, where he lives, nothing. Robert never spoke to me.
- Do you think he did it?
- It can only be, who else would it be?
-I don't know, his friend disappeared suddenly and didn't come back.
- To Bradley? She would never do such a thing, ever.
We talked and he said he would come back to hear Robert who could say anything, but Robert doesn't remember the person who did this to him. When we got to the waiting room, Bradley was sitting in the armchair and got up when she saw me, but she backed away when she saw the police were with me.
- Bradley, I thought you weren't coming anymore.
- I had a problem, so it took me a while.
She talked and looked at the police behind me.
- Did they come here to talk to Robert?
- Not with me. With Robert they will talk tomorrow.


- Bradley, what's your relationship with the victim?
- We are friends and we work together.
- Where were you at the time of the crime?
- At the restaurant... With, Alex.
- She said you went out to the bathroom and it took a long time to get back.
- Yeah... When I came back she wasn't there anymore, but she left a note warning me.
- Are you shaking because Bradley?
I'm shaking, yes I'm nervous, talking to the police isn't comfortable.
- Everything that happened makes me nervous! Alex left the clinic and is having to deal with this, it's complicated.
- You have reasons to commit this crime, Bradley and you know it. Crime of passion, have you heard?
- So you mean I'm being considered a suspect? Do I look like a murderer?
- Criminals don't have a face, Bradley and yes you are a suspect although Alex is sure it was someone else, the investigation is just starting and you disappeared that day, so... One last question, before it happens when you and Robert get together they said?
- The day before, it was a quick conversation, about 15 minutes. I am innocent! I don't even know how to use a gun and would never try to kill someone who makes Alex happy and who is my friend and the father of a 3 year old girl! I am not a murderer. Can I go now?
He pointed to the door and I walked out. That's great, now I'm suspected of trying to kill Robert, there's nothing left. Alex is sleeping on the sofa in the waiting room and I sat in the armchair beside her, ran my hand through her hair and ended up waking her up.
- Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. You must be exhausted.
- Yes I am. But the doctor said that Robert has been doing well since he woke up and if it continues like this he can go home soon.
- I'm happy with this news! I told you he was going to be fine. I need to tell you that...
- What happened?
- I'm suspected of trying to kill Robert.
Alex widened her eyes in shock at what I said.
- Alex, you know I would never do such a thing, don't you?
- I can't believe it, do you suspect? Do you try to kill Robert? This is nonsense!!
- It's okay Alex, I've been through horrible things in my life, being suspected of attempted murder is one more thing and I'll get through unscathed, I don't owe anyone anything! My conscience is at peace.
- I know. I believe you! You are the person I trust most in life and you would never do that.
I froze when I heard Alex say I was the person she trusts most in life. The happiness I felt flashed across my face and I smiled and Alex took my hand. I felt at that moment that our connection was remade, we were the same as before. Our eyes met and without saying anything, we said everything.
- How good to have you close again, as before.
I kissed Alex's cheek and we hugged.
- We'll be together for the rest of our lives, even if we're not close to each other, Bradley.
- Yes, that's it. I for you and you for me.
- Ever!
Our eyes met again and was soon interrupted by Alex who looked away, released my hands and stood up.
- You don't want to see Robert?
- Sure... Alex, can I ask you a question?
- Anything you want...
- Do you love Robert?
- I love Robert very much, Bradley.
- I imagined...
- I wouldn't be with him if I didn't love him.
- Yes. Well, can I see him?
Alex talks about Robert with a lot of affection, with a lot of love. How could I doubt that she loves him? He spent nights here awake so he could come back to her. Who would do this without having love? She is with him and completely in love with him and I have Cory. What comforts me is knowing that now we are close again, as we were before all that happened and this is the beginning or rather the restart.

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