Chapter Fourteen

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The day has finally come that I will return home. It was 3 months here, intense, very painful but necessary for my recovery. Today I leave here a completely different woman than the one I entered. I'm safe, I learned to look to others and not just my navel, but the world revolved around me. And now I'm ready to find Bradley, with no lingering hurt or rancor, I'm 100% clean.
I packed my things, took the papers where I'm writing my book, the things I did in daily activities and the nurse came to take me to reception. She told me that Robert and a little girl are waiting for me. My eyes watered, Marie is here.
We walked, this path that I took when I arrived and I'm taking it now to get back home, it moved me a lot. I saw Marie and Robert and Marie was smiling a lot, jumping up and down and asking Robert: "Will Aunt Alex be long? Where is she?" She said this over and over again and Robert tried to calm her down but chuckled at her elation. She's really happy because she's going to see me and so am I.
Robert saw me before and I smiled at him who smiled back at me and spoke to Marie.
- Look who's over there!!
He pointed at me and Marie looked at me, Robert handed her a bunch of yellow flowers and she came to me bouncing and taking little steps as fast as she could. I threw the bags that were in my hands on the floor, bent down and she handed me the flowers to me.
- I missed you aunt Alex so much, I thought you'd never come back!!
- I missed you a lot too, baby, but I'm here and I'll never be away from you, never, never!!!
I asked the nurse to hold the flowers and took Marie in my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder and I called Robert over and gave him a peck.
- How happy to see you leave here renewed, with the sparkle back in your eyes and that radiant smile you have!
- This time here brought the real Alex back and now a new life will begin!
Marie lifted her head so she could look at me and held my face in her little hands and stared at me.
- Which? What do you want to tell me?
I said smiling as she continued to stare at me without saying a word until...
- I love you mom.
Wait, did Marie call me Mommy? Did I hear you right?
- Baby, what did you call me?
- From mommy, because you are my mommy.
Robert and I looked at each other, I was shocked and happy too because Marie sees me as a mother.
- Yes I am your mommy of the heart and you are my little daughter of the heart and I love you like my daughter!
- It's my real mommy, the only one I have. You take care of me, play with me, tell me stories and put me to sleep.
- It's true and let's do it all together again!
- Yay!!!
We left the clinic and a movie crossed my mind, everything I experienced here made Alex from years ago wake up. The friend Alex, who cares about people, who has fun. When we were outside, a man was leaning against a black BMW fiddling with his cell phone and he smiled at us when he saw us. I put Marie in the car and Robert and this man got confused just by looking. Until Robert was going to him and I held him.
- What do you think you'll do?
- I'll be right back.
He went and this time I couldn't hold back. I watched this man a little longer and remembered, he's the guy in the video that got Robert upset on The Morning Show.
- What are you doing here?
- Do you really think I'm kidding? Look, I'm not! I know every detail, every step you, your daughters and Alex take, so much so that I'm here!
- Leave the girls and Alex alone, I already told you!!!
- I even wanted to make things easier, but you don't help.
- I know everything, I've lived everything, have you forgotten? In a snap of my fingers I end your life!!!!
- For!!! What do you want more? I already left you so much money. Leave me alone, I'm leaving now, bye.
Robert came walking up and kissed me like nothing had happened.
- Who is he Robert? Enough of hiding things from me!
- I'll take you home and we'll talk there.
We arrived at my house, Marie sleeping and we talked.
- First I want to say that what I'm going to say, you just listen and then speak.
- That's right.
- I told you that Greta, my deceased wife, died in childbirth, but no. Greta was murdered. And that man is aware of it. I get desperate just remembering. Alex I... I did something very wrong. I joined the mob to get money and a position of respect, I needed money. Marie was 1 year old with leukemia and I needed to save my daughter.
Did Marie have leukemia? Is Robert from a mafia? What's happening?
- I ran away from France Alex, that's why I accepted this position at UBA. I thought they weren't going to find me, but they did.
- It's a lot of information, calm down. Are they after you because you owe them money?
- No Alex, I killed someone and the blame fell on them because they were there, for that. It was an accident, I didn't want to kill her, I didn't. I loved her so much. But they held us hostage, this because of the financial help, my daughter was undergoing chemotherapy, she was weak and I took the gun from that man's hand in an act of despair when he took Marie in his arms and threatened her. I don't know a gun and it accidentally went off and hit Greta. I killed Greta, Alex. My lifelong companion, the mother of my daughters.
Robert was shaking a lot, put his hands on his head and rocked his body back and forth. I was shocked by everything I heard, but I understood too.
- Hey, hey, look at me!! I heard you and I'm here with you. You didn't do it out of malice, it was an accident. You would never kill a person, let alone the woman you loved, the mother of your daughters. But why run away? You accidentally fired and you have to face it, Robert!
- Like this?
- You have to say what happened! The truth to get rid of it at once.
- What do you want me to do?
- Go back to France, I'll be with you all the time and tell you everything that happened that day! Do you have Chloe as a witness, was she there?
-She was. Thanks for continuing on my side and I'll do it because you're asking.
I hugged Robert really tight and we're going to work this out of the trip soon.

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